15 min.

How to Create Popup Survey + 9 Examples to Collect Feedback

Whether you want to know how satisfied your customers are, what problems they're facing, or why they're abandoning their shopping carts, popup surveys are the way to go.

In this post, we'll go over all you need to know about popup surveys, including how they can help you and what kinds of questions you can add to them, with real-world examples.

The best part? We will guide you on how to create your popup survey for free! 💥

A cover image with the title 'How to Create Popup Survey + 9 Examples to Collect Feedback' and an illustration of a woman holding a survey.

What is a Popup Survey?

A popup survey is a digital questionnaire that appears suddenly on a website to engage visitors and collect their feedback or thoughts. 

It is shown above the active webpage layer, allowing businesses to obtain real-time insights from users without interrupting their engagement or purchase experience.

What are the Advantages of Popup Surveys?

Popup surveys can be a powerful tool for online businesses, offering specific advantages that can enhance customer engagement, gather actionable insights, and ultimately boost business performance. 

Here’s a detailed look at the benefits popup surveys offer:

  • Easy Accessibility: As popups appear directly on the webpage, user interaction becomes seamless. This easy visibility makes them more likely to be completed by visitors.
  • Immediate Feedback: Popup surveys allow businesses to gather instant feedback from customers. Such real-time information can be invaluable for rapid adjustments and improvements.
  • Improved Engagement: These surveys can start an immediate interaction with the user, increasing engagement and potentially improving user experience.
  • High Response Rate: Due to their immediate and inescapable nature, popup surveys often have a higher survey response rate than email or other survey forms.
  • Targeted Response: Popup surveys can be designed to appear based on specific user behavior, ensuring that surveys are relevant and capturing targeted customer insights.
  • Cost-Efficient: Compared to offline methods of data collection, online popup surveys are much more cost-effective as they do not require physical resources or manual data entry.
  • Flexibility: They are highly customizable. You can change questions or designs based on the target audience, the purpose of the survey, or the data you are trying to collect.
  • Better understanding of customer behavior: Collecting data through popup surveys can improve businesses' understanding of their customers - their likes, dislikes, and what they are looking for in a product or service.

9 Popup Survey Examples with the Ideal Popup Survey Questions to Ask 

Depending on your objectives, various questions can be used when designing a popup survey. Here are some key types:

1. Satisfaction Popup Surveys & Questions

Satisfaction popup (CSAT) surveys are interactive tools that appear on a user's screen during or after their interaction with a platform or service, aiming to measure the level of customer satisfaction regarding a certain product, service, or experience.

Here is an example of a satisfaction popup survey:

Example of a satisfaction popup survey from Popupsmart

People Pulse says response rates can soar past 85% when the respondent population is motivated. In this case, it may be a good idea to give an incentive as a thank you to those who fill out the popup survey to motivate them, like the example above.

Here are the questions that you can add to your satisfaction popup survey:

On a scale from 1-10, how satisfied are you with our website?
How satisfied are you with the speed and performance of our website?
On a scale from 1-10, how well do our products/services meet your expectations?
How satisfied are you with the customer support you received (if applicable)

🕞 When to Show Satisfaction Popup Surveys: Customer satisfaction popup surveys can be displayed after completing a purchase, following customer support interactions, upon successful navigation or task completion, after consuming content, during website exit intent, on repeated visits, and on anniversary or milestone dates.

2. NPS (Net Promoter Score) Popup Surveys & Questions

It is a quick way to highlight your loyal customers and understand how likely they are to recommend you to others.

Here is an example of an NPS (Net Promoter Score) popup survey:

Example of an NPS (Net Promoter Score) popup survey from Popupsmart

The NPS popup example shines with its clear question and simple design: "How likely are you to recommend our product to a friend?" You can boost its performance by adding an optional feedback question and customizing the visual style based on your audience. Also, follow-up actions based on the provided score should be considered to engage users effectively.

Here are the questions that you can add to your satisfaction popup survey:

1. Ultimate Question (Loyalty Question) Examples:

On a scale from 0-10, how likely would you recommend our website/product/service to a friend or colleague?
Looking ahead, how likely are you to continue using our services/products over the next year?
On a scale from 0-10, how likely are you to suggest our company to someone who needs similar products/services?
Given your experience, how likely are you to participate in our future events or promotions?

2. Driver Questions (Follow-Up Questions):

For Promoters (Scores 9-10):

What is the primary reason for your high score?
What did we do well?

For Passives (Scores 7-8):

What could we do to improve your experience and turn you into a promoter?
Is there anything missing that would make you more likely to recommend us?

For Detractors (Scores 0-6):

What can we do to improve your experience?
Can you tell us more about why you wouldn't recommend us?

🕞 When to Show NPS Popup Surveys: To gain the most insight, such surveys can be targeted post-free-trial period, following a customer upgrade, after utilizing key product features, on reaching considerable usage milestones, and post major service interaction or product-related changes, to understand their propensity to recommend your product or service.

3. Feedback Popup Surveys & Questions

These popup surveys provide valuable insights about what the visitor thinks about your website, specific products, or services.

Here is an example of a feedback popup survey:

Example of a feedback popup survey from Popupsmart

The feedback popup displayed offers a simple and effective way for visitors to rate their experience and provide open-ended input, making it straightforward for businesses to gather actionable insights on how to enhance their services or products.

Here are the questions that you can add to your feedback popup survey:

Do you have any recommendations for improving our website/product/service?
What feature did you find most useful during your visit to our website?
Could you provide any specific feedback on our checkout process?
What is one thing we could do to make our website more appealing to you?

🕞 When to Show Feedback Popup Surveys: These surveys are ideally prompted after specific user interactions, during extended site visits, after content consumption, before a website redesign, following a customer support resolution, and while users are beta testing new features or services, all aiming at gathering timely and relevant user feedback for product or service improvements.

4. User Experience (UX) Popup Surveys & Questions

Usability popup surveys, also known as user experience (UX) surveys, are real-time feedback tools that appear during a user's interaction with a website or application, designed to assess the ease of use, efficiency, and overall user experience of a digital interface.

Here is an example of multi-step usability popup survey:

Multistep popup example from Popupsmart

The multi-step usability popup survey showcased in the example is designed to gather detailed insights into the user's experience on a website. It specifically addresses navigation ease, product discovery, and the checkout process—critical components of the user journey. 

If you need quick information about boosting conversion with multistep popups, this video is for you:

Here are the questions that you can add to your UX popup survey:

Were you able to find the information you were looking for today easily?
How easy was it to navigate our site on your mobile device?
Did you encounter any issues while trying to make a purchase or booking?
How clear are our instructions and product descriptions?

🕞 When to Show Usability Popup Surveys: These surveys are conducted after users complete basic actions during their first visit, following any website updates or redesigns, at random intervals during site navigation, and following any negative usability feedback to collect comprehensive and relevant data on user interactions, experience, usage should be sent. 

5. Exit-Intent Popup Surveys & Questions

When a visitor tries to leave your website, exit-intent popups can identify problems or reasons for abandonment.

Here is an example of an exit-intent popup survey:

Example of an exit-intent popup survey from Popupsmart

You can use this type of popup to ask targeted questions that may reveal why the user is leaving without converting, such as "Need help with your purchase?" This immediate intervention can help identify obstacles in the user journey, gather contact information for follow-up, or provide additional incentives to complete a purchase, effectively reducing bounce rates and improving form conversion rates.

Here are the questions that you can add to your exit-intent popup survey:

What’s stopping you from making a purchase?
Is there anything we could have offered to encourage you to stay longer?
Were you looking for something on our site that you did not find?
Would you like us to contact you with more information on what you were trying to find?

🕞 When to Show Exit-Intent Popup Surveys: Exit-intent popup surveys are best used during key moments such as cart abandonment, prolonged browsing without action, on high exit pages, after a price check, or following minimal engagement. Timed correctly, these surveys can identify user issues, barriers to engagement, and areas for website improvement, optimizing the user experience and increasing lead conversions.

6. Preference Popup Surveys & Questions

These types of popups help you understand the preferences and tastes of your visitors.

Here is an example of a preference popup survey:

Example of a preference popup survey from Popupsmart

This type of popup survey is especially effective for segmenting users based on their preferences, which can drive personalized marketing efforts and improve conversion rates. It’s best used on product pages or after a user has shown interest in a specific category of items.

Here are some questions that you might want to add to your preference popup survey:

Which of our products do you prefer?
What factors influence your decision to choose our products over those of our competitors?
Do you prefer our new product line or the classic ones? Why?
Which type of promotional offers are most appealing to you?

🕞 When to Show Preference Popup Surveys: After user registration, surveys can help identify their interests for providing tailored experiences. During product browsing, asking for user preferences can aid in presenting relevant recommendations. Once a user signs up for an email newsletter, preference surveys can align the content with user interests. Also, asking about preferred delivery options, payment methods, and more can create a more custom and easy checkout experience during the checkout process. 

🌟 Bonus: If you’re using Shopify, you may want to look at this post: Shopify Checkout Optimization Checklist (20+ Easy Tips)

7. Demographic Popup Surveys & Questions

Demographic popup surveys are tools that appear during a user's interaction with a platform or service, designed to collect specific data about the user's age, gender, occupation, location, and other demographic factors to understand their audience better and tailor their offerings.

Here is an example of a demographic popup survey:

Example of a demographic popup survey from Popupsmart

You may want to include the following questions in your demographic popup survey:

What is your age?
Which region or country are you browsing from?
What is your occupation? This helps us tailor content and offers.

🕞 When to Show Demographic Surveys: Demographic surveys are best displayed at the initial engagement stages, such as during user registration or the first few visits when a visitor is getting acquainted with your website. Alternatively, they can be shown after the user has already interacted with your site and shown interest in your content, products, or services, ensuring the user has enough context to provide meaningful responses. 

8. Post-Purchase Popup Surveys & Questions 

Post-purchase popup surveys inquire about customers' shopping experiences, focusing on purchase satisfaction, delivery experience, and the perceived value and quality of the product or service received.

Here is an example of a post-purchase popup survey:

Example of a post-purchase popup survey from Popupsmart

This popup example efficiently captures real-time feedback when the user experience is fresh, allowing businesses to identify and resolve any issues quickly. Offering rewards like a free t-shirt enhances response rates, supplying valuable insights while increasing customer satisfaction and chances of repeat purchases. 

Here are the questions you could add to your post-purchase popup survey:

How would you rate your overall shopping experience on our website?
Were you satisfied with the quality of the item(s) you purchased?
Was your item(s) delivered on time and in good condition?
How likely are you to purchase from our store again?

🕞 When to Show Post-Purchase Popup Surveys: These surveys are most valuable immediately following a purchase, once the user has received and used their product, or when a user makes a repeat purchase. Their responses can provide firsthand insights into your store's purchase and post-purchase process, promoting necessary improvements to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

9. Lead Generation Popup Surveys & Questions

Lead generation popup surveys aim to capture the contact information of potential customers, usually through a form that offers something in return, such as a newsletter subscription, a free ebook, or exclusive offers and discounts.

Here is an example of a lead generation popup survey:

Example of a lead generation popup survey from Popupsmart

This popup example presents an exciting opportunity: receiving a discount for signing up for an early bird price and compelling visitors to share their contact information. 

If you want to create a lead generation feedback popup with simple steps, you can take a look at this video:

Here are some questions you could include in your lead generation popup survey:

Join our early bird list and get an exclusive discount on our upcoming products.
By signing up, you agree to receive marketing updates and promotional offers from us.
Emails are essential to stay up to date with our latest offerings. May we have your email address?
Sign up now for early access to our new releases and exclusive discounts. Don't miss out!

🕞 When to Show Lead Generation Popup Surveys: Lead generation surveys are most effective when a user expresses interest in your product or content. This can be assessed through their behavior, for example, after spending a significant amount of time on your site, returning after their first visit, or consuming valuable content like blogs, tutorials, or product videos. These surveys can also be used to add value at checkout, such as offering a first-time purchase discount in exchange for their email.

How to Create Website Popup Survey for Free

If you're wondering how to quickly and easily set up a popup survey on your website, Popupsmart might be an option worth exploring. It's an easy-to-use popup builder with detailed targeting features to help streamline the process. 

With its basic plan, you can create a survey popup at no cost, which makes it a good starting point for anyone new to popup surveys or those working on a tight budget. 

Here's how you can create an engaging survey popup quickly:

Step 1: Create a free account, and click "New Campaign" to begin a new popup campaign from the array of customizable templates that Popupsmart offers. You can filter popup templates with the "Collect Feedback & Surveys" tag to pick one that suits your campaign.

Image showing the 'Collect Feedback & Survey' tag in the Popupsmart platform interface, which is a filter option for selecting suitable templates during the creation of a new popup campaign.

Step 2: After picking, use the "Add a new element" button to customize your popup with form elements like "Rating" and "Opinion Scale." You can also use "Multiple-choice and "Single-choice elements to pose questions.

Image of Popupsmart's interface showing the 'Add a new element' button, used for customizing your popup survey with different form elements.

Step 3: Make your popup engaging by adding content elements like coupon codes or images. This is a good way to improve survey participation and provide valuable feedback.

Visual representation of adding engaging content elements like coupon codes and images to your Popupsmart survey for improved user participation.

Step 4 (Optional): If you want your popup to appear only as a small teaser, you can select the "Teaser" option above.

An optional step displayed with a screenshot of the 'Teaser' toggle button in Popupsmart, used for creating a smaller, less intrusive popup

Step 5: Next is choosing when and to whom your popup survey will appear. In this step, you can choose one of the predefined segments with more than 30 options or edit it completely according to your wishes.

Image showing the selection process to define when and to whom the popup survey should appear, highlighting the predefined segments and customization options in the Popupsmart platform.

Step 5: After adjustments are completed, make sure to save and publish your popup campaign.

Overall, adding a survey popup to your website can simplify your customer data collection and allow you to tailor your services better.

Recap and Next Steps: Enhancing Customer Engagement Through Popup Surveys

In conclusion, popup surveys are a powerful tool to understand your audience better and enrich their brand experience. They offer real-time insights and allow your business to make immediate improvements and adjustments based on the responses.

Now that we've covered what popup surveys are, their benefits, when to use them, different types, and even how to create one using Popupsmart, it’s time for you to take the next step. 

Start leveraging these highly effective instruments to enhance customer engagement and collect versatile feedback that best serves your business goals.

When creating your popup surveys, remember to keep them relevant, intuitive, and short. Tailor your questions according to the type of popup survey you are utilizing and the desired data you want to collect. 

The right balance of these elements can drastically increase your popup survey's response rate and the quality of feedback received.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Purpose of a Popup Question?

A popup question collects valuable user feedback and insights in real-time. It can help you understand visitor preferences, satisfaction levels, user experience, and potential issues on your website. This data is invaluable for improving your website or service, personalizing user experiences, and increasing conversion rates.

2. What is the Right Timing for a Popup Survey?

The timing for a popup survey can vary based on its purpose. For instance, to collect feedback on user experience, it’s often best to prompt the survey after the user has interacted with the site. The popup should be triggered for exit-intent surveys when the user is about to leave your site. Satisfaction surveys generally appear after a purchase or interaction has been made. It's essential to ensure the survey appears at a relevant and convenient time for the user.

3. How to Ensure that Popup Surveys Don’t Annoy Visitors?

Firstly, make sure your survey popups are optimally timed and contextually relevant. Sudden popups on entry or during critical navigation can be disruptive and annoying. Secondly, the survey should be kept short, easy, and intuitive. Users are more likely to get frustrated if a popup survey requires too much time or effort. Consider using Popupsmart's teaser feature, which displays a minimally intrusive teaser before the full survey. Lastly, personalize your surveys to engage visitors effectively.

4. How to Increase the Response Rate of Popup Surveys?

Response rates can be boosted in several ways. Offering incentives or rewards for completion, such as discounts or entry into a prize draw, can motivate users. Making the design visually appealing and interactive can also draw in more respondents. Keeping the survey concise and setting an appropriate time for the survey to appear can make it more likely for visitors to engage. Personalization, including using first names and relevant questions, can also enhance response rates.

Further Reading