Email Marketing Beginner to Advanced Roadmap 2024

If you want to start learning about email marketing, this is a handy guide for you! We will walk you through the entire process of establishing your email marketing attempt so that you can acquire leads, get the worth of your time, money, and resources, and generate expected sales.

With this article, you will be able to understand what email marketing is, what benefits it has, how you can obtain and retain email data, and in what ways you can execute an email marketing campaign. Also, you will see several successful email campaigns as examples, tools that will help you increase your inbox placement rate, instance templates, and so on.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a form of marketing using email tools to deliver advertising messages to a selected group of the target audience to promote a business, products, or offers. In broader terms, email marketing could be any email sent to potential customers. It can be used to notify customers on your list about the new products, items left in the cart, promotions, offers, and other services.

The enormous majority of internet users have email accounts that allow them to receive an almost unlimited number of messages simultaneously. According to the research conducted by 99firms, there are 4 billion email users worldwide.

what is email marketing - definition of email marketing

Why Should You Use Email Marketing? -
36 Reasons Infographic

36 reasons why you should use email marketing infographic

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Email Marketing?

We can list the advantages of email marketing as;

  • Your email list consist of people who have chosen to receive emails from you. This permission-based approach increases subscriber engagement with your business.
  • You have different design options to create your email campaign: plain text, graphs, pictures, videos, attach files - whichever fits your message the best.
  • Email marketing can be used to deliver customized messages or reach mass audiences, so it is scalable.
  • It is easy for subscribers to forward and share your email content with other people. This may build a good reputation by word-of-mouth. Also, it is a decent way to influence new customers to become your brand followers.
  • While carrying out a campaign, using call-to-action buttons and links will be very useful because it makes the purchase of a product or service from your website easier.
  • You can measure the success of a campaign by using web analytics software, which allows you to optimize future campaigns.
  • You can compare your results to others in the market by checking free email marketing benchmarking reports. This data helps you to catch and evaluate improvement opportunities.
  • There is a chance to implement A/B testing to your emails before you send them. You can test your subject lines, calls-to-action, images, or messages to ensure your email content is effective.
  • Audiences can read your message whenever they are available, so it is less intrusive compared to telephone marketing.
  • The total cost of email marketing is usually much lower than many other forms of marketing. Therefore, email marketing is very cost-effective.
  • Because nothing is printed on email marketing campaigns, it is an environmentally-friendly form of marketing.
  • Email marketing has an average Return on Investment (ROI) of 4200%, which means for every dollar you have invested, the average return will be $38. Therefore, it is worth to dedicate your efforts and resources on email marketing.
  • If you use automated triggers - such as website activity, recent ppurchase, or shopping cart abandonment, you can reach the right audience, at the right time, in the right place, and with the right offer.
Some Advantages and Disadvantages of Email Marketing

Email marketing has many catchy advantages, right? What about the disadvantages? These can be sorted as;

  • Your emails may go to the spam folder of your subscribers. That is because you did not target the right people making your click-through rate and open rate insufficient for Internet Service Providers (ISP) or you didn't comply with privacy and protection rules.
  • Your emails are filtered out by email software and ISPs. Therefore, if your email content or subject line contains some specific spam keywords, and if you are sending an email to incorrect or dead email addresses, it is likely to be an undelivered email.
  • Your email must be functional so that it can appear on multiple devices like mobile phones, tablets, and notebooks. You also need to have good-looking content (do not send text-only or picture-only emails). You should be careful about both the design and functionality of your email campaign.
  • Emails containing big files that are downloaded very slowly will lead to losing your audience’s interest.
  • For a successful email campaign, you must have the necessary time, marketing skills, and resources.

Of course, it is not all sunshine and rainbows. Luckily, we will help you to cope with these drawbacks!

How to Build an Email List

Wondering how to build an email list and increase your email marketing conversions?

If you want to learn how to build a valid mailing list, I will provide useful information below. However, if you want to learn more about building an email list, you can read this guide.

a girl sitting and browsing on her phone with blue background

1. Choose an Email Marketing Service

Choosing the right email marketing service that fits your needs is vital for your business. Just because an email marketing service provider is popular doesn’t always mean that it’s the best solution for your needs. You need to focus on some basic questions when choosing an email marketing service:

  • Is it easy to use and does it works with my business?
  • Does this tool automate my email campaigns in a way that helps fulfill my needs?
  • Which provider addresses the best to my industry requirements?
  • Does its price fit my budget?

With these questions in mind, you can have a look at the best email marketing service providers.

Choosing the right email service providers

2. Get Your Customers' Permission

Buying an email list is not a sustainable, ethical, or effective way. Don't do that.

If you email people randomly, you may be considered as spam, and it is not good at all for your reputation. You should add someone’s email address if s/he only willingly signs up to your list.

You also need to have an attractive and friendly email subject line to make people open your email.

Email Permission Required

3. Use Opt-Out and Double Opt-In

Opt-in is when subscribers fill up a subscription form; they are immediately added to your email list. This method enables you to quickly obtain more subscribers; however, using a single opt-in has some drawbacks. The most important one is that;

Sometimes people make typo mistakes while writing their email addresses or intentionally give you a wrong email address, so every time you send an email to those people, the probability to be flagged as spam increases.

On the other hand, double opt-in is when subscribers fill up your subscription form, they get an email with a link saying that they have to click to confirm if they want to get emails from you. It is also called a confirmation email.

opt in double opt in form email marketing confirmation email scheme example

Using double opt-in formed emails is very beneficial for you;

  • You will have a list containing more engaging subscribers.
  • They are unlikely to report your emails as spam because they have willingly confirmed that they want to receive emails from you.
  • It enhances your sender reputation; thus, your deliverability will increase.
  • Using double opt-in is also great for you to keep your email list clean. In this way, you will eliminate the ones who gave you a wrong email address or filled up your form to get what you have offered.
  • Email marketing is cost-effective, but there are still some costs involved. Still, if you have more accurate data, the total cost will decrease and the cost per reach will be worth it.

Moreover, the opt-out link or button in emails is an opportunity for the receiver to unsubscribe from your list. This may seem like an undesirable move, but it is the right move for your domain and IP reputation. You should only send emails to those who want to hear from you. Otherwise,

  • Your bounce rate may increase.
  • Your average open price may decline.
  • You may be perceived as a spammer.

4. Grow Your Email List

a) Import a list of known contacts

If you plan to use email to keep in touch with your existing customers, you can build your email list by importing their data into your chosen email marketing tool. Before you import any contacts, don't forget to ensure that you have adequate permission to email these subscribers.

Did you know you can find the email addresses of your prospects with email finders? Take a look at our blog posts about it: Top 15 Email Finder Tools: Pros and Cons + Reviews and 10 Best LinkedIn Email Extractor and Finder Tools.

b) Write compelling content and a catchy subject line

Sending emails is not enough to build an efficient email list.

35% of people open emails based solely on the subject line. Furthermore, 69% of people mark messages as spam based on the subject line. Therefore, you need to use short, clear, specific, simple, logical, and personalized subject lines to make people open your email campaigns.

To see successful subject line instances and to get some tips about how to write an attractive subject line, you may visit our blog post about it.

Once you’ve created a decent subject line; you need to add compelling content in your email to accomplish the marketing objective that made you create this campaign.

For example, if your goal is to convince your subscribers to invite their friends to become a member of your list, sending an incentive promotion via email is a powerful way.

c) Make your content easily shareable

You must create eye-catching email marketing campaigns if you want your subscribers to share or forward your email. Your email may contain colorful, and well-designed pictures, compelling content, funny emojis, remarkable attached files, and so on.

You also need to make your email content easy to share. Include buttons that enable subscribers to share it in one click on social media platforms. Moreover, you should be careful about the size of your email in order not to render loading duration boring and taxing.

d) Offer first order discount

If you want people to join your email list, giving them a discount or coupon code is a great way to do it. A refund lowers the risk for people who wish to try your product out for the first time.

However, you need to be careful about your level of discount because the bigger your discount is, the less likely that your new customers pay full price, stay loyal, or subscribe in the future.

e) Use pop-ups

popup newsletter example

A popup is a graphical user interface (GUI) display area, which usually appears as a small window in the right corner of your website, or as a big window in the middle of your site page, and has a call to action encouraging people to subscribe to your email list.

You can create a popup with Popupsmart for free! It helps you to choose a pop-up based on your business objectives like increasing e-commerce conversion, growing your mailing list, guiding your visitors, or increasing your phone calls.

Then, you continue with selecting device preference, deciding on the pop-up type, and creating or choosing your template.

f) Social media

Social media platforms are very beneficial for expanding reach, building trust, and generating traffic. You can use the opportunity of converting your followers on social media into your subscribers for added efficiency.

You can add the signup form on your Facebook page by using a call to action button, paste a link to your Instagram bio that enables followers to fill up your form in one click, pin your newsletter sign-up form on Pinterest, share attention-grabbing tweets including a call to action, and contact via LinkedIn with specific individuals with whom you want to form a deeper relationship.

Providing a reason to subscribe to your list is crucial for convincing your followers. For instance, you may hold digital contests requiring signing-up to participate.

g) Blog Posts

Offering your popular blog content in a PDF version accessible via an email sign-up is an effective method to grow your email list.

You may add a call to action at the end of each blog post. It is the right way of providing an opportunity for your readers to subscribe to your email list without leaving the current page.

5. Clean Your Email List Regularly

Having a high inbox placement rate and a validated email address are the fundamental requirements for success in email marketing. To increase them, you need email list cleaning services and tools. You must get rid of people who have not engaged with your email program for the past six months or more; otherwise, your bounce rate may increase.

Here are the top email list cleaning providers are compared for you;

Services Pricing for 100,000 Emails Duplicate Remover Greylisting Verification
MailGet List Cleaning $159
Email Marker $161 x
Email List Verify $169
Hubuco $777
Zero Bounce $275
EmailChecker $299
Quick Email Verification $320
XVerify $400 x x
Kickbox $400 x
Verifalia $439
Bounceless $499
BriteVerify $750 x

To learn what services they provide, you may visit their websites by clicking on the name of the company, or you can visit our email list cleaning blog post in which necessary information is explained in detail.

6. Use Segmentation

You need to break your subscribers into smaller groups based on specific criteria. It will categorize your email list based on particular groups’ expectations and feedback and will work on removing inactive users for a while. You may segment based on;

Location: Notify your local subscribers about your local event.

Preferences: Send an email to people who want to hear about blog posts or something specific.

Interests: Subscribers who like A, who like B or who want C. (It can be anything with regards to your business)

Cart Abandonment: Remind people who put items into the cart but don’t complete the purchase.

Lead Magnet: Send emails based on the topic of the lead magnet witch the targeted customers opted-in for.

New Subscribers: Send welcome mail and welcome series to new subscribers of your website.

Inactivity: Remind your subscribers who haven’t engaged for a while and didn’t complete the next step you want.

Open Rate: Reward the most engaged subscribers with a special offer. Remove people who have not opened your emails for a long time.

Segmentation on Email Marketing

In this way, you will be able to send each email to segmented subscribers who are most interested in your content. As a result, you will be able to increase your conversion rates !

7. Set an Email Sending Frequency

You need to have an appropriate schedule for your emails. Try not to send emails to your customers at inconvenient times. Also, if you segment your customers based on their wants and needs, you can set an email sending frequency quickly.

78% of consumers unsubscribe from emails because brands were sending too many emails. Make your offerings easy for people to take advantage of; otherwise, you may not be as successful as you want.

8. Generate Mobile Responsive Emails

In today’s world, a common way to have a look at emails is by opening them from mobile devices. You should make sure that any email you send out is easily viewable on mobile phones or tablets.

Emails not optimized for mobile devices get deleted by 80.3% of users. If the emails are not optimized for mobile devices, 3 out of 10 users unsubscribe from the list. You should also make sure to do the same to your landing page.

Studies show 55% of emails get opened on a mobile device. You must also consider this when you’re writting crafting a subject line. While it may look good on your computer, it may look different on a smaller screen. To learn more about how to build an email list properly, you can visit our blog post about that.

Creating an Email Marketing Campaign

Email Body Footer and Header

A successful email campaign requires a more delicate approach to increase your conversions and grow your business. Here are some tips about creating a successful one;

Email Header

Gmail Email Header Design Example

The header should describe everything to your audience because they see it before opening your email. Yes, the header contains the least amount of content, but it is the most important because it’s what email receivers will use to decide whether they open your email or not.

  • Email From (Sender) Name: People tend to open emails when they come from a personalized account. Instead of using your company name, send it from a recognizable name linking the actual sender.
  • Email Subject Line: Your subject line needs to be attention-grabbing. It should be short, personal, and action-oriented. You should never use spammy words in your subject line.
  • Email Preheader: A preheader is the short preview of an email. You can include a call-to-action to this blank. However, remember that different mobile devices and email providers allow different character limits for preheaders.

Email Body

You were able to convince your subscribers to open your email. The next challenge is to persuade them that you are saying something important, valuable, and exciting to prompt an action.

  • Do not talk to your subscribers; start a conversation with them. Make them feel special, show authenticity, touch their pain points.
  • People allocate very little time reading emails. Your text should be kept short, clear, simple, and direct.
  • You should never send text-only or image-only emails.
  • Including visuals that reflect your creativity may help you grab the attention of the recipient.
  • If the email seems too long, it creates a bias for its readability, and it leads to relative attention loss.
  • Add your company logo right at the top of your email and make it lead directly to your website.
  • Use calls-to-action in your emails several times. It will increase your click-through rate and provide convenience for your readers to reach your website.

Email Footer

email footer example image

Finally, your subscriber has viewed your email to the very end. This is where you should thank your reader for his/her time and invite him/her to engage with you on other channels.

  • Contact Information: Include the physical address of your company and telephone number of customer relationships department to show your reachability. In this way, you also comply with federal anti-spamming laws.
  • Social Media Accounts Links: Add buttons that direct your subscriber to your social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube.
  • Unsubscribe Links: Don't forget to create an unsubscribe link at the end of your email to write off subscribers who don't want to hear from you.

Email Marketing Strategies

1. Email Marketing Strategies for Spam Risk Elimination

Your email marketing efforts go down the drain if your emails are not able to reach the targeted inbox of a subscriber.

ISPs continually control a bunch of email addresses to see their open rates, inbox placement rates, bounce rates, and other related scores to provide a service of flagging some emails as spam.

There are some reasons why your emails can be flagged as spam;

  • The email may fail to pass spam filters.
  • You may have a low sender score.
  • The IP address may not be reputable.
  • Domain authentication records may be low.
  • Domain reputation may be harmed due to high complaint rates.
  • You may not get the permission from your subscribers to email them.
  • You may not set an email sending frequency based on your customer preferences.
  • Open rates may be below expectations.
  • The email list may not be fresh.
  • Emails may not contain an unsubscribe link (opt-out).
  • You may have incorrect sender information.
  • You may have grammatical errors and spelling mistakes in your email.
  • The email may not be in HTML format or is not mobile-friendly.
spam risk elimination illustration

These seem too complicated and hard to overcome, right? So, how will you protect your emails from going to the spam folder instead of the inbox? You can;

  • Use email marketing tools that have algorithms to detect spam filter problems.
  • Measure your sender score by using some tools like Sender Score. If it is below 90 out of 100, you may try to increase your score as needed.
  • Maintain consistent volume levels for your emails to protect your IP reputation. You also need to check your emails with some tools like Mail-Tester to see if they look spammy.
  • Check your authentication records with some tools such as GlockApps. Authentication is essential for protecting your brand and building a good reputation.
  • Increase your domain reputation by decreasing your complaint rates.
  • Use double opt-in to obtain the permission of your customers for sending them emails.
  • Use engaging language in your content, pick the right time to send your messages, keep your email list fresh, and segment your email list if you want to increase your open rate.
  • Pay email cleaning service providers to keep your list fresh.
  • Offer an opt-out opportunity to every single email that you send.
  • Provide accurate sender information, correct physical postal address, avoid using spammy words in both your subject line and message.
  • Use Grammarly to see if you have made any typo, spelling, and grammatical mistakes in your email.
  • Make sure that your HTML code is clean and straightforward and that your email is mobile-friendly.
To have a deeper understanding of the subject, you should visit our blog called " Why Emails Go to Spam Instead of Inbox & What to Do They Don’t Anymore". Enjoy!

2. Email Marketing Strategies for Customer Retention

Nobody wants to lose a valuable customer that they obtained with a great effort! You have worked hard on your email marketing campaign, so don't forget your existing customers.

Customer Retention with email marketing

I will try to give you some pieces of advice to keep your subscribers on your list and even make them more loyal to you.

  • You may introduce an advocacy program that will give your customers the ability to contribute to your email campaign in return for fabulous rewards. This program must have an expiration date and carry out an inactivity opportunity.
  • After the first purchase of a customer, you can either offer a thank you gift or a customized coupon. Make sure that your business can afford this bonus and that it fits with business objectives and has an expiration date like the upcoming month or year.
  • You should offer educational content in your email, which answers questions from customers or concerns they may have like "How to use your product?" Your goal here is to encourage them to take action.
  • Data coming directly from your customer is very valuable. Therefore, send feedback emails to those who purchased from you recently and send request surveys to your subscribers to get their advice on what you can do to improve your company.
  • Friendly reminder emails generate trust between you and your customer, which increases customer engagement relatively. Emails about reward points from the advocacy program, promotional codes that are about to expire, and the upcoming customer summit can be given as examples.
  • You can send e-gift cards to your most valuable customers on holidays. You also include holiday greeting content. This creates a feeling of happiness, friendship, loyalty, and specialness, which all lead to an increase in engagement with your email campaigns.
  • You may send birthday messages that contain the name of your subscriber. Also, generate a shareable content and include a call-to-action enabling them to share on social media.
  • Learn more about increasing customer loyalty and retention: Actionable Customer Loyalty Program Ideas with 10 Examples.

3. Email Marketing Strategies for Win-Back

It is 4-6 times (depending on the industry) cheaper to keep a customer than to acquire a new one because establishing a relationship and a moderate level of trust costs less than convincing somebody to purchase for second (or more) time.

We Miss You Win-Back Email

Win-back is an email marketing strategy that aims to reactivate a customer who hasn't made a purchase for a long time. So, how to create win-back email campaigns?

  • Demonstrate the value of your brand and your products to remind them why they loved you in the first place.
  • Send a series of win-back emails with different approaches, which attracts the attention of your inactive subscribers.
  • Customize your email by adding their name and by generating an approach based on their purchase history.
  • Provide options like how frequently they want to hear from you, whether they wish to update their interests and if they want to unsubscribe from your list.
  • Present irresistible offers. You can look at their purchase history data to determine their interests.
  • Ask for re-permission to ancient emails.

Email Marketing Campaigns: Best Practices

Example 1. Artifact Uprising

Artifact Uprising Email Campaign

Artifact Uprising has conducted a very efficient email survey campaign to learn more about its subscribers. They offered $10 as an incentive in exchange for their customers' time.

Example 2. Bonobos

Bonobos Email Campaign

Bonobos have generated a smart template saying "Hello? Anyone home?" to make recipients open their email. These types of questions with call-to-action work.

Example 3. Charity: Water

Charity Water Email Campaign

Once someone donates to a charity, his/her money takes a long journey. 'Charity: water' has used automation for their emails to show donors how their money is active all the way. This was an unusual approach, and it has grabbed lots of attention!

Example 4. Kate Spade

Kate Spade Email Newsletter Campaign

I have already mentioned the importance of customization and friendliness in email marketing. Therefore, designing a discount offering email template that evokes a dialogue is a charming idea like Kate Spade has done.

Example 5. Cook Smarts

Cook Smarts Email Campaign Marketing

Cook Smart sends yummy recipes in the form of a meal plan to its subscribers every week. The "Weekly Eats" newsletter creates followers who wait for their new email impatiently. Furthermore, "Forward to a Friend," call-to-action creates an opportunity to share, which would also be a great way of growing an email list.

Example 6. Dropbox

Dropbox Email Marketing Newsletter

Dropbox has generated a cute and funny email to say, "come back to us!" by using cartoons and emoticons. The email was simple, short, attention-grabbing, and sweet. They may have also included an incentive like a limited-time offer to give recipients a reason to come back.

Example 7. Estee Lauder

Estee Lauder Email Campaign

Estee Lauder has offered testing in their emails as proof of their high-quality products. This is a great way to sell high-priced products. They also used a colorful animated GIF that aroused the interest of readers.

Example 8. HireVue

HireVue Email Marketing Campaign Creative

The automated subject line of HireVue was "Saying goodbye is never easy to do… So, we thought we’d give you a chance to rethink things." They made the email funny and straightforward while displaying a guilt-free message. It was an alluring, smart, applaudable, and customized unsubscribe email which worked and decreased the unsubscribe rate of HireVue.

Example 9. J.Crew

Jcrew Creative Email

J. Crew sent a message pointing out that their stocks are melting like ice cream. They were able to put recipients in a good mood by sending this quick and sweet note which resulted in a high click rate. Good job!

Because people have no idea about what 'Holy Guacamole!' means, they tend to click on call-to-action to find out. It is a smart idea!

Spoiler: It’s about a 24-hour sale triggering a sense of urgency.

Jcrew icecream email marketing

Because familiar things charm people better, J.Crew has used the power of words by comparing its sales with a very common and widely used item.

Example 10. JetBlue

JetBlue Email Marketing Campaign

JetBlue has generated a heartbreaking email that touches the reader's feelings. It was an unsubscribe email to inhibit losing a customer. They may have used personalization like appealing by name, yet this automated email was successful!

Example 11. Loft

Loft Email Marketing Campaign

Loft has nothing to do with bananas, but they made a simple and fun email saying: "Don't let this offer slip away from your hands because it is as easy to lose the chance as that you can slip on a banana." Creating a sense of urgency by making recipients smile works!

Email Newsltter Campaign 2 by loft

This email sale campaign has attained its marketing objectives because the email created curiosity. Readers had to click on call-to-action to see how much discount was offered, so the campaign had a high click-through rate.

Email Marketing Campaign Loft Smiling Womans Newsletter

Loft has created an automated welcome email evoking a very familiar song. They also offered a coupon as an incentive for their first purchase. Good approach!

Example 12. Marc Jacobs

Mark Jacobs Email Marketing Campaign

Marc Jacobs has created a campaign referring to a worldwide known game called Tic-Tac-Toe. It was an amusing and attention-grabbing approach. These kinds of strategies make people smile, and smiling people tend to engage more. An excellent example of imaginativeness!

Example 13. Need Supply

Need Supply Email Campaign Newsletter Birthday

Need Supply has created an unusual approach: They send their subscribers birthday emails just after their birthdays! A personalized, friendly, and apologetic language is used in this email campaign. The idea was to shock people because nobody expects to receive this kind of email. It was a perfect example of creativity!

Example 14. Overstock

Overstock Newsletter Birthday Template

Overstock has motivated its subscribers to update their profile information in exchange for an irresistible incentive (coupon and discount) because the company is very aware of how important refreshing their email list and segmenting their customers.

Example 15. Paperless

Paperless Email Marketing Newsletter Inspiration Mom Card

You must never skip over a special occasion without making a marketing campaign because your competitors won't! Paperless has created an email marketing campaign for Mother's Day. It is a successful example because firstly, they added several calls-to-action in their emails for each card picture. Secondly, they had a clear call-to-action, including a sense of urgency. And lastly, they asked answerable questions encouraging engagement.

Example 16. Pinkberry

Pinkberry Campaign Email Newsletter

Pinkberry has come up with a great email marketing campaign for their sleepy customers who have not engaged in their efforts for a long time. They motivated their subscribers to sign in to their accounts by offering a surprising gift: a free yogurt on their Pinkcard.

Offering a free product is subservient, and it also helps to gain back a customer who has unsubscribed from your email list recently.

Example 17. Poncho

Pancho Email Marketing

Poncho sends daily emails about weather forecasts each morning. These customizable newsletters help Poncho to create a sustainable relationship with its customers, hence their way of communication appeals to everyone. They also use colorful images and delightful GIFs which trigger good feelings for readers.

Example 18. Starbucks

Starbucks Email Marketing Template Inspiration

Starbucks has made a win-win-win campaign! The formula was easy: Starbucks subscribers needed to invite their friends to get a free drink. If invited ones fill up a subscription form, they also win a free drink. Starbucks, however, would obtain new customers with little cost. See, this is how the stars of the industry shine!

Example 19. The Limited

The Limited Email Marketing Campaign Example Inspiration

I did say that text-only emails do not look good, but if you are worried about the size and transfer speed of an image, you may create successful email marketing campaigns without any images as The Limited has done. They used the power of transverse colors to attract attention. This strategy also makes your email easy to scan.

Example 20. Tiffany&Co.

Tiffany Co Email Marketing Example

Tiffany & Co. have used romance in their email marketing campaign to build a mental connection between their products and romantic feelings. Because good feelings increase the possibility of engagement, people were more likely to click on call-to-action. Additionally, they used visuals very well: A balloon built with Tiffany rings and a sweet cartoon character couple.

Example 21. Topshop

Topshop Email Marketing Example

Topshop has generated a great email reminding their clients about incomplete orders. The email is influential because they have chosen their words very wisely: "We have got your bag (referring to 'back')." They try to say that "We kept your shopping basket safe all this time." Good job!

Example 22. Uber

Uber Email Marketing Example

Uber has created a campaign clearly saying that "Hey, we are aware that you do not want to waste your time by reading every single word in this email, so we made it easy to scan. Look at it, then click on the call-to-action button." The campaign was very successful due to the usage of simplicity. Also, bright colors and geometric patterns are the right way of presenting visuality.

Email Marketing Categories


A newsletter is a regularly distributed email campaign that is generally about one main topic of interest. This fits perfectly if your goal is to keep in touch with your existing customers.

Marketers using the method of the newsletter have usually aimed at;

"We will have everything our customers care about, all in one place."

"Our newsletters will be so different that people will actually look forward to getting our newsletter."

"Since we're only sending it once a month, it will be a breeze to put together."

Let's have a look at a well-executed newsletter of Spotify:


Spotify Email Newsletter

Spotify is a well-known business that is very successful in reaching its customers with customized content. Spotify forms an end-of-year playlist for each of their subscribers and sends it as an email.

This email contains their most-played songs, top artists and genres, the time they have spent on Spotify, and their most active days. The email continues with a call-to-action link that customers can click and reach the playlist made for them.

It is an excellent example of building a sustainable relationship with existing customers!

Email Marketing Offer

A marketing offer is any campaign that you send to drive direct response from a customer. It needs to include a call-to-action button. An email about the latest stock, discount, or special promotion may be given as an instance of a marketing offer.

Let's have a look at a great marketing offer by Ikea:


Ikea Newsletter Email

Ikea has created a compelling sales discount email because the campaign;

  • Is easy to skim,
  • Has adequate pictures, specific sections, and paragraphs,
  • Encourages readers to go to their webpage to seek more information,
  • Has call-to-action links and buttons that are clear and easy to find.


Announcement emails are used when launching or updating a new product, a feature, or a service. This is a great category to choose if your email marketing goal is to keep your audiences engaged.

Let's have a look at a well-designed announcement email example of Sphere:


sphere animated email newsletter

Sphere has generated a mobile app update announcement email by using the power of GIFs. Because announcement emails require customer engagement, amusing your subscribers with animated GIFs will definitely work!

Event Invitation

Event invitation emails are designed to increase awareness about your event and to encourage your subscribers to attend. Events lead to an increase in communication with your audience, so arrange some creative activities!

Let's have a look at a suitable event invitation email of Hidden Dinner:

Hidden Dinner

Hidden Diner Event Email

Hidden Dinner has generated an attention-grabbing event invitation email because;

  • The design of the campaign is unique and in line with their website,
  • The email contains only a little information about the event, which triggers curiosity,
  • The call-to-action is descriptive and encouraging to click on,
  • Offering a passcode makes people feel special, so it increases ticket sales and event attendance.

Email Marketing Service Providers

1. Sender

Homepage screenshot from the website of Sender, one of the Email Marketing Service Providers.

Sender is an easy-to-use and affordable email marketing software that is great for e-commerce stores. It works well with online shops for quick email creation and offers tools for sending automated emails and SMS messages. It also provides easy metrics to help you track how well your emails are performing. With Sender, you get a drag-and-drop email builder and templates that you can change to match your branding.


Sender offers a free plan for up to 2,500 subscribers with basic email automation, and paid plans start at $15.83/month for more advanced features, additional emails, and no branding, with custom pricing for enterprise solutions.

2. Constant Contact

Constant Contact Email Marketing Service

Constant Contact is the most popular email marketing service for small businesses. It has customizable email templates and offers high-quality support.


Constant Contact gives you full access to their tools for 60 days. After the trial, the subscription starts at $20 per month for up to 500 subscribers.

3. Brevo

Brevo Email Marketing Service

Brevo is an email and SMS marketing software that you can use to create marketing campaigns without strong technical knowledge.


They offer a free account with unlimited contacts, but you can send only 300 emails per day. The premium plan starts at $25 per month for up to 20,000 emails per month.

4. Popupsmart

The landing page view of Popupsmart's email automation solution

Popupsmart’s Email Automation tool is a practical and solution-oriented option for your email marketing needs. With specifically-triggered and ready-made workflows, you can create the most effective campaigns. Also, you can edit and customize your emails as you like to enhance your conversion. It is possible to interact with them after signing up, send discount codes, and also prevent your customers from leaving checkout.


Starting with Popupsmart is free, and you will have a quota of 100 emails with the free plan. If you want to extend the limit of your email campaign, the paid plans start from $32.5 per month.

5. Drip

Drip Email Marketing

Drip is the perfect solution for you if you’re an e-commerce merchant who wants to send emails at the right time by understanding customers’ purchase intent and behavior. You can customize your messages based on actions like cart abandonment, first-time users, returning website visitors, people who clicked a link on your site, and so on.


Drip offers a 14-day free trial. Their pricing starts at $49 per month for up to 2500 subscribers.

6. Convert Kit

Convertkit Email Marketing

ConvertKit is the best email marketing tool for bloggers and publishers. With ConvertKit, you can create attractive forms and send custom-tailored emails to individual subscribers.


ConvertKit allows you to sign up for a free 14-day trial; then the pricing starts at $29 per month for up to 1000 subscribers.

7. AWeber

awaber email marketing solutions

AWeber is one of the most popular lead generation services for small businesses. You can design email newsletters with the drag and drop builder, automate email sequences, and create mobile-responsive sign-up forms that function well on any device.


The pricing starts at $19 per month for up to 500 subscribers.

8. Mailchimp

Mailchimp email marketing service

Mailchimp’s features are robust and affordable for marketers of all sizes, whether you’re a blogger, local business, or a company with off-the-charts growth.


You can sign up for their free plan that allows you to grow up to 2,000 subscribers and send 12,000 emails per month.

9. Litmus

Litmus email marketing service

Litmus enables you to;

  • Build and preview your emails in real-time either by using templates or designing by yourself,
  • Make sure your email looks great on both mobile and computer,
  • Get a guided check of elements that may affect your email performance like broken links and load time,
  • Have a spam test and get appropriate advice to fix your email,
  • Improve segmentation and targeting strategies with email analytics,
  • Get the protection of your sensitive data without carrying any risk.


Litmus comes with a free 7-day trial, while the premium version costs $399 a month, $149 for the Plus version, and $79 for the basic version.

10. Mad Mimi

Madmini email marketing solutions

Mad Mimi is a tool that helps you to create, send, share, and track email newsletters online. It makes email marketing as simple as possible with the help of a straightforward WYSIWYG editor.

To customize your emails, you can choose and add links from 39 social networking buttons like share, like, pin and retweet. It also offers services such as;

  • Creating mobile-friendly email,
  • Copying or adjusting your previous campaigns using the clone tool,
  • Having detailed reports to see how many of your emails were opened, the number of embedded links, how many shares you had on social media and the number of user clicks,
  • Integration with Google Analytics to track in-depth statistics and click.


Mad Mimi pricing initiates from $10 per month for a basic account for 500 contacts, and the pro package costs $42 for 10,000 contacts.

11. Email Octopus

Email Octopus Email Marketing with Amazon SES

Email Octopus is a tool that helps you manage your email marketing campaigns with the help of Amazon SES. You can send email newsletters and drip emails, create and customize HTML email templates.

You can also have designed templates, analyze and optimize campaigns, and automate your email sending workflow.


The basic free plan is available for 14 days, and the premium plan costs $19 per month.

12. iContact

iContact Email Marketing and Automatin Service Website

iContact offers intuitive and straightforward packages which cover;

  • HTML coding options and different pre-designed marketing templates,
  • Easy-to-navigate interface,
  • Tabs at the top half of the screen letting you create and measure your email campaigns,
  • Sign-up form options for your website,
  • Importing a list of subscribers from a CSV or Excel file,
  • Segmenting your email list,
  • Integration of social media-friendly features,
  • Automation of email sending workflow


iContact has special packages starting from $14 to $299 per/month depending on your subscriber list size.

13. Get Response

Get Response Email Marketing Service and Features

Get Response is a tool that helps you to create professional-level marketing campaigns with an effectively maintained email contacts list. It offers packages containing the services of;

  • Segmentation of email list,
  • Importing existing subscribers from other files,
  • Conducting searches about your contact list,
  • Tracking your open rate, complaint rate, number of unsubscribes, click rate of links,
  • Displaying email marketing campaign results and survey outcomes in the form of pie charts and bar graphs,
  • Live and chat support in the form of FAQS, webinars, PDFs, video tutorials, a glossary, and learning center articles.


Get Response offers various packages; the basic one costs you $15 per month with 1.000 subscribers. The price goes up to $1.199 depending on the number of features.

14. Zoho Mail

Zoho Mail Email Marketing Service

Zoho Mail is a tool to create email marketing campaigns. The process is divided into three sections:

  1. Necessary Details: campaign name, email details
  2. Content
  3. Audience

You may use a WYSIWYG editor used for HTML content in the second step. Then, you can add images, drop items, and format text in your email.


The free test plan enables 2,000 subscribers/12,000 emails in a month. The price is $5/month.

Additionally, you can send automated emails to subscribers for free with these tools: 10 Best Free Autoresponder Tools (Reviews + Pros & Cons)

Email Template Builders

1. Movable INK

Movable E-Mail Newsletter Creator

Movable INK offers a free email template builder to easily and quickly create good looking emails. It provides services such as;

  • Developing fully responsive emails,
  • Photoshop system,
  • Color awareness guidance system,
  • Preview arrangement,
  • Opportunity to define layout.


Movable INK gives its users an opportunity for a free trial, but they have not mentioned what the price will be after the demo time expires.

2. Mosaico

Mosaico Email Newsletter Bbuilder

Mosaico offers an open-source email template editor which enables you to;

  • Create beautiful emails that can be viewed on any device,
  • Use "Drag and Drop" editor,
  • Find pre-designed responsive templates,
  • Have flexibility in creating emails,
  • Customize your emails,
  • Benefit from WYSIWYG email editor of Mosaico.


It is open-source and free!

3. Zurb

zurb foundation email newsletter builder

Zurb is a design company that provides a free email template builder for you to create responsive emails. It has five types of templates, namely Basic, Hero, Sidebar Hero, and Newsletter.


Zurb offers fabulous email templates for free!

4. NewsLetter Creator

Newsletter Creator Email Template Builder

NewsLetter Creator provides a reliable and slick downloadable email editor tool that makes designing emails easier. It also has features like;

  • Drag and Drop interface,
  • Free tools to build emails,
  • Variety of magnificent email templates.

To reveal NewsLetter Creator's success, I should say that they provide services to very well-known brands like Microsoft, P&G, Hugo Boss, and so on.


NewsLetter Creator gives its users an opportunity for a free trial, but they have not mentioned what the price will be after the free trial period ends.


Stripo Email Newsletter Creator offers over 300 predesigned templates and over 10,000 available images. They also have;

  • A blog with many useful articles about marketing,
  • Drag and Drop interface,
  • HTML email template builder,
  • Mobile-friendly email builder,
  • Four templates export opportunities in a month for free.


You can create a free account and use it forever, but to obtain more features, Stripo. Email offers packages starting from $10.42 to 33.33$ per month.

You may also want to read:
Best Website Builders for Small Businesses

Measure the Effectiveness of Your Email Marketing Campaigns

You need to track the success of your email marketing efforts, because

You cannot improve something that you did not measure.

You cannot improve something that you did not measure.

Email marketing tools like Campaign Monitor show your email campaign results correctly.

You can also use our free email marketing ROI tool to measure your digital efforts.

There are six crucial email marketing metrics that you need to be calculating on a regular basis (weekly or monthly):

1. Open Rate

Open rate is the percentage of recipients who opened your email. This is one of the fundamental metrics to measure because your email efforts go down the drain if your subscribers are not opening and reading them. You need to track your open rate on a weekly basis.

Email Open Reta Reasons

Four major factors affect your email open rate;

  1. Sender's name
  2. Email subject line
  3. Offer
  4. Intro Paragraph

Open Rate Calculation:

Total Opens/(Emails Sent-Bounced Emails), or

Total Opens/Emails Delivered

You can increase your email open rate by using the tips given below;

  • Keep your list fresh,
  • Segment your audiences,
  • Avoid being flagged as spam,
  • Customize your emails,
  • Send mobile-friendly messages,
  • Write great content and an attention-grabbing subject line.

2. Click-Through Rate

The Click-through rate is the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link in your email. Because your primary goal in an email marketing campaign is to make your audience engaged, it is a fundamental metric to measure. You need to measure your click-through rate on a weekly basis.

CTR rates differ according to the email types.
Email Click Through Rate

Three significant factors influence your click-through rate;

  1. Anchor text on the link
  2. The link's location in your email
  3. Number of times the link is included

Click-Through Rate Calculation:

Total Number of Clicks/Number of Emails Delivered

You can increase your click-through rate by following the advice given below;

  • Make your email simple and easy to skim,
  • Motivate your readers (encourage them to take action, set due dates),
  • Include the same link more than once in an email,
  • Announce something exciting,
  • Use call-to-action buttons.

3. Unsubscribe Rate

The Unsubscribe rate is the percentage of recipients who have clicked on the “unsubscribe” link inside your email. You need to measure the unsubscribe rate on a weekly basis.

Unsubscribe Email Rate

Three major factors influence your unsubscribe rate;

  1. Sender's name
  2. Misleading subject lines,
  3. Email sending frequency

Unsubscribe Rate Calculation:

Total Number of Unsubscribes/Number of Emails Delivered

You can decrease your unsubscribe rate by doing the things given below;

  • Use double opt-in,
  • Segment your audiences,
  • Create unique and useful content,
  • Write catchy subject lines,
  • Customize your emails,
  • Be careful with your email sending frequency,
  • Send mobile-friendly emails.

What is Opt-Out?

4. Complaint Rate

The Complaint rate is the percentage of recipients who flagged your email as spam. You need to measure your complaint rate on a weekly basis.

Complaint Rate Sender Score Statistics

There are five main reasons why your complaint rate may be high;

  1. Purchased email lists,
  2. Not including an unsubscribe link,
  3. Irrelevant content,
  4. Incorrect email addresses,
  5. Email sending frequency.

Complaint Rate Calculation:

Total Number of Complaints/Number of Emails Delivered

You can decrease your complaint rate by following the tips given below;

  • Create a win-back campaign,
  • Regularly remove inactive users from your list,
  • Set expectations in your customers' mind,
  • Maintain consistency,
  • Make it easy to unsubscribe,
  • Use double opt-in.

5. Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the percentage of recipients who completed your willed action (e.g., buying a product). The more your conversion rate is, the better. You need to measure your conversion rate on a monthly basis.

Email Marketing Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate Calculation:

(Number of Conversions/Number of Delivered Emails) x 100

You can raise your conversion rate by using the three strategies given below;

  1. Measure where you are in conversion actions,
  2. Form an idea about what you need to test, why, and what improvement is needed, and
  3. Make the necessary changes and see if it is working.

6. Bounce Rate

The Bounce rate is the percentage of emails sent which weren’t successfully delivered to the targeted inbox. You need to measure your bounce rate on a monthly basis.

6 Reasons to Bounce Email

Four possible factors are affecting your bounce rate;

  • You may send emails to inconsistent email addresses,
  • Recipient mailbox may be overloaded, full or unavailable,
  • ISPs may block your email due to spam issues,
  • The subscriber can be on vacation and users auto-reply.

Bounce Rate Calculation:

(Number of Bounces/Number of Emails Sent) x 100

You can decrease your bounce rate if you regularly clean your email list and remove inactive subscribers from your list. Email List Cleaning Services may help you to determine and take action concerning to the issue.

I hope this content will be beneficial for you! If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to communicate with me via chat.

Email Marketing FAQs

1. Does email marketing work?

While there are competing marketing channels, email marketing is still working. With 4200% ROI, email marketing can considerably improve the sales of companies with a proper strategy. People wonder if email marketing is still working because it is an aged marketing channel.

Oftentimes, people consider older technologies as out of date and no longer effective. While some do, others may evolve and preserve their efficiency just like email marketing. That’s why it is still driving successful results today.

2. How often should I send marketing emails?

Even though there’s no hard, fast rule, a good approach could be to send emails twice a month in the beginning, then up it to weekly. If you provide valuable content, consistently changing offers, or regular promotions, then sending marketing emails two to three times a week could be an efficient frequency.

3. What email metrics should I track?

  • Open rate
  • Bounce rate
  • Click-through rate
  • Conversion rate
  • List growth rate
  • Number of unsubscribers
  • Spam score
  • Forward rate
  • Email deliverability

4. How do I build an email list?

You can build an email list from scratch with:

  • Loyalty and referral programs
  • Discounts and deals
  • Timed popup surveys
  • Exit popups
  • More landing pages
  • Scroll boxes
  • Free trial periods
  • Autoresponder emails
  • Content upgrades
  • Social media
  • Squeeze pages

5. How much does email marketing cost?

Typically, a mid-size business can expect to spend $9-$1,000 per month on email marketing, if they self-manage their campaigns, depending on the number of subscribers and the email marketing service they use. If they work with an agency, the average cost could be $300-$500 per month.

6. How do I segment my email list?

1. Decide what customer data will help your business
2. Use signup forms, surveys, and quizzes to collect data
3. Create personas for your customers
4. Define email list segments
5. Create targeted content
6. Use email marketing tools’ segmentation feature
7. Test and measure campaigns, tweak, repeat.

7. What is email automation?

Email automation is sending triggered or behavior-driven emails automatically from an email service provider. It works based on specific actions, such as when a subscriber adds an item to their cart.