· 22 min read

15 Solid Shopify Marketing Strategies to Drive Sales in 2024

If you own a Shopify store, it is vital to use marketing strategies. We listed the 15 best Shopify marketing strategies you can use in 2024 to boost your sales!

Shopify has become one of the most popular e-commerce platforms. However, with so many companies using it to sell their products, it's essential to have effective Shopify marketing strategies in place to stand out in a crowded market.

In this blog post, we'll discover some of the best Shopify marketing strategies that you can use to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, and boost sales.

By exploring and applying them to your e-commerce business, you can drive more sales to your store in 2024!

15 Best Shopify Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Store

Various marketing strategies can be applied to Shopify stores' marketing plans. We gathered 15 best Shopify marketing strategies to reach your goals!

1. Use Popups to Promote Your Products

Popups are the most converting way to promote your products, increase user engagement, grow your email list, and achieve various business goals!

You can feature your products with Popupsmart's Shopify element easily.

After you sign up for Popupsmart, create a popup campaign by choosing a popup template with a Shopify element.

Shopify templates on Popupsmart template selection page

You can also add a Shopify element to your popup campaign.

Adding a Shopify element to a popup on Popupsmart

That way, you can feature certain products, display their pricing, and encourage visitors to purchase, thanks to the call-to-action button!

popup example with Shopify element created with Popupsmart

Popups with Shopify elements can be great for upselling a product,, launching a product, or promoting specific products.

To get inspired by many ready-to-use popup templates, explore the Playbook of Popupsmart!

2. Focus on Email Marketing Campaigns

an iPhone displaying an email from Shopify

Email marketing for Shopify can be a highly effective way for stores to build relationships with visitors, promote products, and drive sales.

Start by building your email list with the help of email popups. By adding sign-up form popups to your store, you can grow your email list. Encourage visitors to opt in by offering incentives, coupon codes, etc.

Segment your email list based on various criteria so that you can send the right emails to the right customer segment.

Create compelling emails that encourage visitors to take the desired action. Use well-written copy and attractive product images to grab your potential customer's attention. Ensure that your emails are mobile-friendly and optimized to be read on any device.

Shopify email marketing example from Kylie Cosmetics

Provide value with your emails to your subscribers by offering exclusive content, special discounts, or tips related to your products.

You can automate your emails to send triggered emails based on certain actions like sign-ups, abandoned carts, or post-purchase. By sending these relevant notifications to your visitors, you can keep in touch with them and get the most out of your email flows.

Also, you can use A/B testing to test out various elements of your emails, like subject lines, visuals, and CTAs, to optimize your campaigns. That way, you can monitor which one works best for your campaigns and improve them for better results.

Following these steps and creating effective email campaigns can boost your website's interaction and sales.

3. Apply Social Media Marketing

an iPhone screen displaying social media icons

Social media marketing is a powerful tool that Shopify businesses can use to build brand awareness, interact with customers, and improve website traffic.

Choose the platforms that fit your business among many choices, and start creating your brand's social media presence. Identify the platforms where your audience is most active and focus your efforts on those platforms.

Create a social media marketing plan to stay organized and consistent with your social media efforts. Define your target audience, posting schedule, and content strategy to get started. You can monitor your competitors' social media accounts to get inspired.

Use high-quality visual content with attractive product images, hashtags, and well-written content to increase engagement. You can ask your followers questions or offer special discounts** to create hype for your social media account.

Don't forget to include your social media accounts on your store to boost your followers and engagement.

Colourpop's Instagram feed on its landing page

For example, you can include your Instagram feed on your store to display your content, as the famous Shopify brand Colourpop does. The brand also includes links to products used in the makeup styles of Instagram feed's images.

Another way can be creating a Pinterest board with related pins to your product and providing valuable content to your audience.

You can add social share buttons to Shopify stores to leverage social sharing. That way, people can share your products on their social media, and you can reach your target audience easily.

Track your social media marketing campaigns' results and optimize your content strategy accordingly.

4. Organize Affiliate & Influencer Marketing Campaigns

two smiling woman recording video together

Shopify businesses can use affiliate marketing to reach new customers, increase brand recognition, and boost sales.

By applying affiliate marketing campaigns, you can promote your products to a broader audience. Affiliate marketing campaigns can include influencers and bloggers.

Start by identifying relevant influencers whose style and audience align with your brand. Reach out to influencers and collaborate with them to create content that will display your products in an authentic way.

Set clear goals and provide clear briefs and guidelines about your influencer marketing campaigns.

You can promote your affiliate marketing campaign through social media, email marketing, and other channels to increase its effectiveness.

Measure your campaigns' results and optimize accordingly. By developing affiliate marketing campaigns, you can easily reach your potential customers in a sincere way. Also, boosting brand awareness and increasing sales can get much easier.

5. Produce Content with Content Marketing

a person typing on a MacBook

Content marketing is a proven way to attract and engage a target audience and drive sales. By creating SEO-optimized content for your store, you can start ranking your store on Google and appear on the first page of search results.

Define your target audience and develop a content strategy that goes hand in hand with your goals. List content types that can be interesting for your audience and define your publishing schedule.

Content types you can create for your store include blogging, webinars, videos, infographics, case studies, white papers, forums, podcasting, etc. By choosing the types that fit your audience's interests, you can start creating content for your Shopify store.

These pieces of content need to provide value to your audience and promote your products. But you need to pay attention to not overpromoting your product not to overwhelm your audience.

Use SEO best practices to optimize your content for search engines and to rank higher. These practices can include keyword research, optimizing your products' meta titles and descriptions, internal and external linking, etc.

You can also promote your content through other marketing channels to increase visibility.

Use website analytics tools to track your content performance and adjust content accordingly.

6. Create Video Marketing Content

a camera shooting a video with a bokeh background

Video marketing is a highly compelling way for Shopify businesses to showcase their products, build brand awareness, and engage with customers.

According to video marketing statistics, it is anticipated that in 2023, about 91% will incorporate video as part of their marketing plan. That's why you should incorporate video as your Shopify marketing strategy to stay caught up.

By creating engaging videos that tell your brand story and showcase products, you can promote your store to potential customers. Use high-quality visuals, sound, and editing for professional videos.

Don't forget to optimize your videos for search engines by using keywords in your title and description and including related hashtags. You can add calls to action in your videos to encourage visitors to go to your Shopify store.

You can use social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, or Twitter to promote your videos as well. Integrate targeted advertising to reach specific audiences quickly and easily.

Measure the results of your video marketing content using analytics tools and experiment with various types of videos to find what works best for your audience.

7. Feature User-Generated Content

woman in a yellow turtleneck sweater with headphones checking her phone

User-generated content (UGC) is among the most effective ways to promote products and build brand awareness. UGC refers to content that is produced by real users of a product, making it more reliable and relevant than influencer marketing.

Since real users of products produce content, UGC can help you reach your potential customers more organically. UGC content can be TikTok videos of people using your products, photos, or testimonials that include your products.

You can find creators to create content for your store or reach out to people who are already your customers to feature UGC on your store.

You can repurpose UGC by sharing it on your social media accounts, featuring it on your website, or creating email marketing campaigns. That way, you can showcase your products authentically, encouraging people to buy your products.

Another way to feature UGC is by running contests to encourage your existing customers to share photos or videos of themselves using your products and sharing their reviews. By doing that, you can offer exclusive prizes or discounts to participants.

8. Interact with Visitors through SMS Marketing

woman checking smartphone near laptop on table

SMS marketing can be an effective way to reach customers directly on their mobile devices and drive sales.

To build your SMS subscriber list, you can collect the phone numbers of your visitors by displaying a contact form or popup on your website.

You can offer incentives, gifts, or discounts for those who sign up. That way, people can leave their numbers to be contacted by you later on.

You can segment your SMS list just like you did for email marketing campaigns to reach the right people properly with targeted messages.

By contacting those who left their phone numbers, you can start strengthening your relationships with them. Send your subscribers relevant messages that include valuable content, such as product launches, limited-time offers, and exclusive offers.

💡 Avoid sending too many messages, which can overwhelm your audience. Instead, keep your messages short and sweet.

You can personalize your messages by addressing your visitors' names and tailoring content according to their interests.

By using SMS marketing software for your SMS campaigns, you can make this process so much easier.

9. Create a Customer Loyalty Program

a man smiling to a woman on the counter

Shopify businesses can retain consumers, raise customer lifetime value, and drive repeat purchases by implementing customer loyalty programs.

By creating a customer loyalty program, you can increase customer retention and loyalty for long-term growth.

Firstly, define your program and what it offers, and promote it through various channels. Provide exclusive offers and give visitors solid reasons to join your customer loyalty program.

H&M's customer loyalty program example on its website

Personalize your customers' experience and offer a unique experience for loyalty members. By making them feel special and offering exclusive content and discounts, you can form better relationships with your loyalty program members.

For example, you can offer early access to new products, free shipping, personalized recommendations, rewards, free e-books, or guides to your loyalty program members.

Monitor the performance of your loyalty program and optimize it according to feedback and metrics.

10. Build a Referral Program

two women sitting by the table having a conversation

Using a referral program is an established technique that Shopify businesses can use to get new customers via word-of-mouth marketing.

Start by defining the details of your referral program and decide on what it will offer. Define the rewards and discounts you offer and ensure that these offers will provide value to your customers.

Asos' referral program example on its website

Come up with rewards that will encourage customers to refer your business to their friends and family, and simplify the referral process by providing clear referral forms or links. That way, your customers can quickly refer your store to other people.

Monitor the results of your referral program and reward customers for their referrals. Engage with your customers on a regular basis, and build stronger relationships with them. By doing that, you can acquire new and loyal customers.

11. Use Paid Media

Facebook Ads page displayed on a MacBook Air screen

Paid media can be an effective way for Shopify businesses to drive targeted traffic and generate leads and sales. By investing in paid media, Shopify stores can reach their target audience more effectively and increase their visibility.

By using PPC ads, you can reach more people online. For your Shopify store, you can use Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, or other advertising platforms that fit your business needs.

Decide the most effective channels for your business and audience, and invest in advertisements.

Facebook Ads can be effective in that sense. You can promote your products with carousels, images, or video ads to specific audiences. Use high-quality visuals and attention-grabbing copies in your advertisements to attract new customers.

See How to Add Facebook Pixel to Shopify in 2024 & Useful Tips

Don't forget to monitor the performance of your paid media campaigns regularly to optimize your marketing strategy accordingly.

12. Collaborate with Other Brands

three people sitting in front of a table and laughing together

Let's say you own a store that sells accessories and jewelry. You might be posting a lot of content that displays how to use these in different outfits.

By partnering with another brand, which can be a clothing company, both Shopify stores can reach a wider audience and promote their products.

Try to find brands that are in your niche and can have the same target audience as you.

Then, you can collaborate with each other by creating social media campaigns or announcing your collections together on your landing page. Apart from that, you can also create valuable content such as podcasts, guides, and more by collaborating with another brand.

By creating content that can be interesting for both of your audiences, you can reach your target audience and get loyal customers.

13. Use Shopify Apps

Shopify has a wide range of applications you can use for your store in its app store. As these applications seamlessly integrate with your store, you can start achieving your goals properly.

You can select applications that allow you to customize your store, segment your audience, and reach a wider audience.

Shopify provides various apps in different categories, such as finding products, selling products, orders and shipping, store design, marketing and conversion, and store management.

According to your goals and marketing campaigns, you can select among various applications and take your campaigns to the next level.

a screenshot of the landing page of Popupsmart’s Shopify application

Popupsmart also has a Shopify app you can use to boost your sales and grow your email list.

Using the Popupsmart Shopify app, you can create conversion-ready popups in under 5 minutes thanks to pre-designed templates, gamification elements, personalized targeting, and so on.

Explore "20+ Best Shopify Apps to Increase Sales & Conversion" for app recommendations.

14. Include Customer Reviews on Product Pages

a row of yellow stars sitting on top of a blue and pink surface

According to Trustpulse, 97% of customers read reviews before purchasing a product. Also, online product reviews increase sales conversions by 270%.

As stated in HubSpot's article, customer reviews are trusted by 88% of customers as much as personal recommendations.

Considering these social proof statistics, it can be said that customer reviews are a crucial part that you shouldn't underestimate.

That is why you should include customer review parts on your product pages. That way, people who visit your store can see previous reviews and positive experiences of other customers.

It can be a great way to encourage indecisive visitors to purchase your products and leave a review when they are also satisfied.

Also, customer reviews on products can help you get a better understanding of your customers' interests and pain points, allowing you to make the necessary adjustments.

You can use Shopify review applications to gather valuable customer feedback and reviews.

These tools provide customizable review widgets, moderation and filtering, and automated review collection, which can be valuable in showcasing customer reviews on products.

15. Create Giveaway Campaigns

red and white gift boxes

People love free stuff and exclusive discounts, for sure. Creating giveaway campaigns on your Shopify store can increase your user engagement and grow a loyal customer base.

There are various ways to organize giveaway campaigns for Shopify stores. You can create seasonal campaigns to celebrate special days, organize social media giveaways, or build a campaign for new product launches and new arrivals.

Thanks to giveaway campaigns, you can promote your products and boost user engagement in your store.

According to your store's goals and budget, try to find offers people can't resist and reach your potential customers from different marketing channels. That way, you can get the most out of your Shopify giveaway campaigns.

Culture Kings’ Shopify giveaway popup example

For example, a streetwear clothing & sneakers store called Culture Kings organizes a giveaway with a popup campaign.

The popup grabs visitors' attention with the headline "Win your size in this month's limited sneaker drop" and creates a sense of urgency.

You can create a giveaway popup campaign like this one and encourage people to enter to win and promote your products with a clear and attractive product image.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, Shopify marketing strategies play a significant role in the success of online stores.

You can develop a potent marketing strategy that will support the success of your Shopify store by comprehending your target market, creating a solid brand, and utilizing several marketing strategies like content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and influencer marketing.

Using the strategies listed in this post, you can improve website traffic, brand recognition, and sales and revenue growth with the correct tactics.

Find what works best for your brand and reach potential customers considering these best Shopify marketing strategies. 🥳

Frequently Asked Questions

magnifying glass and frequently asked questions written on paper

Why Is It Important to Have Effective Shopify Marketing Strategies?

Marketing strategies can help Shopify businesses stand out in a crowded market, increase brand awareness, and boost sales and revenue. By applying effective marketing strategies, Shopify stores can reach their potential customers quickly.

How Can Social Media Marketing Benefit Shopify Businesses?

Social media marketing can benefit Shopify businesses by increasing their brand visibility, engaging with their audience, and driving traffic to their website. Social media advertising can also be an effective way to reach new customers and drive sales.

What are Some Tips for Creating Engaging Content for Shopify Marketing?

To create engaging content, Shopify businesses should focus on providing value to their audience, using visual content such as images and videos, optimizing their content for search engines, and promoting their content through social media.

How Can Influencer Marketing Help Shopify Businesses?

Influencer marketing involves partnering with influencers on social media platforms to promote your products or brand. Influencer marketing can benefit Shopify businesses by reaching new audiences, increasing brand awareness, and driving sales.

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