· 9 min read

10 Landing Page Call to Action Tactics to Boost Conversions

Pırıl Madasoğlu
-Published on:
Jan 26, 2024
-Updated on:
Jan 8, 2025

Let's say you designed the perfect landing page, and you are getting tons of traffic!

But you are not making any sales. Why?

These visitors don't convert.

One of the biggest reasons behind it is your Call-to-Action (CTA).

A landing page on your website aims to convert visitors into leads by offering something valuable in exchange for a visitor's personal information.

A landing page should be designed based on the campaign's goal, whether it's to generate leads or improve brand awareness.

In addition, it needs to offer a strong call-to-action (CTA) that will encourage users to convert.

How are you going to create the perfect landing page CTA for your landing page?

Let me give you the best tactics:

Make Your CTA Crystal Clear

You're clear about what you want your visitors to do, but all that content is useless if they can't figure it out.

Use buttons and other visual prompts to direct attention toward your Call-To-Action (CTA).

If you want to see your goals met, you'll need to ensure that the CTA is clear.

The clearer your cta, the more likely it will be that people will act on it.

Whether signing up for a newsletter, downloading an ebook, or buying your product, you want them to do what you want them to do.

Make Your CTA Visual

When your CTA button is visual, you will have a better chance of engaging the user.

To create a visual CTA button, think about what or who your potential customers are and use that as inspiration for the design of your CTA button.

For example, if you're selling to stay-at-home parents, you could create a picture of two children on the other side of the text "sign up for exclusive offers." Additionally, your CTA button must be easily located by the visitor's eyes.

You can use contrast colors so that when visitors land on your landing page, they immediately see the desired action you want them to take.

Tip: Use White Space

White space is the negative space between elements of your design.

It's an integral part of creating compelling designs and should be used in moderation when designing your CTAs.

For example, your call-to-action buttons are critical to converting visitors into leads, customers, and clients; you want them to stand out from the rest of your design.

If you put too many elements on your landing page without any white space around CTA, your prospects will be confused and overwhelmed.

Choose Your Words Carefully

The button copy is the essential part of your landing page.

If you don't have a solid call to action, you're going to lose tons of potential users.

Even worse, if they can't find a way to sign up or buy from your site, they'll leave and never come back.

So when choosing your CTA buttons for your landing pages, always be sure that it's easy to understand what each button does.

Always make sure that your CTA has a clear and direct message (along with an action), and it will be much easier for users to know what they should do next.

Let me give you a couple of examples:

If you aim lead generation:

join newsletter cta

register now cta

If you aim sales:

add to cart cta

join course cta

Show The Benefits Of Your Offer

Today, people are more informed about products and services than ever before.

As a result, consumers are hesitant to invest in anything that seems too good to be true.

They want explanations for why something is better than the rest.

The most effective CTA's explain the benefits of clicking or buying right away. It would be best if you showed how the prospects' lives would be improved by converting.

Use Only One CTA

When it comes to landing pages, there is one cardinal rule: only ever use one call to action on the page.

If you give your visitors too many options on what to do, they will likely do absolutely nothing.

Make sure you are not putting anything between your prospects and conversions that makes the process difficult.

If you have more than one objective, such as collecting emails and increasing sales, use multiple landing pages for these objectives.

Connect With Your Audience

An emotional call to action appeals to the emotions of the reader.

As a result, emotionally charged words are more likely to be remembered than words with neutral connotations, so using dynamic CTA copy in your landing pages is a great way to increase conversion rates on your site.

Understanding your customer's subconscious is key to creating effective advertising, so you need to consider your audience's emotions while creating your CTA.

Make Your Audience Curious

As marketers, we want to make sure our landing page CTAs are as effective as possible.

Given the importance of this goal, advertisers must know how to create curiosity and anticipation in their call-to-action buttons.

Evoking these feelings helps your marketing goals. In addition, these emotions make people learn more about your offer.

Highlight Scarcity And/ Or Urgency

The classic example of a scarcity tactic is the limited-time offer.

If you've ever heard that a sale ends in one week, then you know what that does to your motivation level.

Even if the end of the deal was far away from when you heard it, your subconscious mind tells you that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

So you purchase before the deal disappears because there's no way you want to miss out on such a fantastic opportunity.

So you can offer a discount with your CTA button and make it a limited-time offer.

You want your audience to feel like they would miss something if they don't convert.

Let me give you some examples to use scarcity and urgency in your landing page CTAs:

  • Today ONLY
  • 24 Hours LEFT
  • Limited Stock
  • ONLY 4 items left

Place Your CTA Above The Fold

The placement of your CTA plays a massive role in your marketing strategy.

Above the fold means the upper half of the webpage you see without scrolling down.

For example, if you're looking to drive traffic to your product page, it doesn't make sense to place the CTA at the footer of your landing page.

Instead, put that CTA strategically on pages where the most people will see it – that's not only going to increase conversions but also boost customer satisfaction.

Test Your CTA's

If you're not getting the results you want from your CTA button, it could be because;

  • the button may be too small or doesn't stand out on the page,
  • or your description isn't compelling enough to convince visitors to click on your call-to-action button,
  • or maybe you haven't established a strong enough relationship with your audience to make them care about what you have to offer.

You have to test your CTA out to see what might be the reason or reasons. It can regularly be improved.

The CTA button is the most crucial part of your conversion rates.

So it would help if you found out which one works best for you and your audience.

There are a variety of call-to-action tactics that can help you boost conversions on your landing pages.

While the tactic you choose will depend on your conversion goal, we hope these ten examples have been helpful for you!

Would you like to know more about landing page design and conversion optimization strategies? Check out our conversion optimization & digital marketing blog! :)

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