· 13 min read

42+ Live Chat Statistics That You Need to Know in 2025

Nazlıcan Berk
-Published on:
Jan 26, 2024
-Updated on:
Dec 23, 2024

Live chat statistics might change your view on implementing a live chat support system. In fact, did you know that live chat support is increasing in popularity every year?

It seems like every business is looking for ways to optimize the customer journey when it comes to must-have customer service features.

By keeping in mind the importance of running a business with online customer support, let’s learn about some live chat statistics in 2025.

Customers Opinions on Live Chat

Waiting for email responses or holding on the line is so outdated. Live chat allows customers to get the help they need in a matter of minutes, and they love it. Proof?

Here you are:

live chat widget that gives rates
  • Inc. reported in The Power Of Live Chat article that 44% of online consumers believe that live chat is an important website feature.
  • In addition, according to another article on live chat, 63% of millennials favor using a live chat widget to address basic customer support queries over traditional channels.
  • About 90% of customers consider a quick reaction from support to their inquiry critical when using live chat, according to Hubspot's Customer Service Stats.
  • One of the reasons that half of the customers (51%) favor live chat is their ability to multitask while reaching out to a company via live chat. The Importance of Live Chat by Invesp
immediate response importance stats

Surprised? We are not.

Thankfully, businesses are aware of the call on live chat.

It is stated in Comm100’s 2023 Live Chat Benchmark Report that, “Facing rising demand for personalized, meaningful interactions and seamless, ‘every-channel’ experiences, organizations are rolling up their sleeves to meet and exceed customer expectations.”

If you are not in the 81%, the chances are you are on the wrong path.

  • 42% of businesses think that consumers prefer phone support.
  • 14% of businesses think consumers prefer email.
  • 9% of businesses think consumers prefer social media.

Businesses are working hard to get the necessary help to their customers. However, while they are rushing, they miss an essential point. Fast doesn’t always mean satisfactory for customers.

agent number and wait time for live chat

This number may seem weird, but people will continue to use live chat. The reason is here:

  • A majority of customers, specifically 70%, either currently use or express interest in utilizing chatbots for basic customer service needs.

Mobile Live Chat Statistics

Considering that more than half of the web traffic comes from mobile, it is important to keep an eye on mobile live chat statistics as well.

Now that we know why we need a live chat and how it should be done, keep reading to see what to avoid as there are things your customers will be annoyed rather than satisfied with.

  • Support is not online despite live chat displaying as available.
  • Being disconnected during a live chat.
  • Effort required to start a live chat, mainly where there are pre-chat forms.
immediate response importance

What happens if all goes wrong? Check out the statistics that show the consequences when live chat doesn’t meet the customer expectations:

  • 38% of customers are most frustrated by poor user experience on live chat.
  • 29% of customers find scripted, impersonal responses the most frustrating.
  • 38% of businesses say their users find their scripted responses most frustrating.
  • Almost 50% of customers rate long wait times as the most frustrating part of a live chat — they don’t want to be in a queue.
an image with a live chat poor user experience statistic with the illustration of a man in the right hand bottom corner with a sad face bubble next to his head and live chat writter speech bubble in the upper right corner
  • 19% of businesses say their customers are most frustrated by long wait times.
  • According to Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report 2020, more than 70% of consumers believe that companies should collaborate on their behalf so that they don’t have to repeat information to different representatives.
  • In the same report, it is stated that nearly 70% of customers are irritated when their call is transferred from department to department.

Live Chat-Phone Support Comparison

The live chat support:

• Makes it easy for your customers to talk to you.
• Brings down customer wait times by 80%.
• Appeals
to customers of all ages.
• Reduces
your cost-per-interaction.

Now let’s see the live chat and phone support comparison statistics.

  • Companies with chat support pay roughly 15 to 33% less than those with phone support.
  • In 2021, customer service using phone support dropped by 7%.
  • 42% of customers prefer live chat over phone conversations because they don’t have to wait on hold for an agent.

Live Chat Conversion Statistics

Does excellent live chat support mean high profit? for sure!

  • Approximately 63% of people spending $250-500 monthly online will most likely purchase from live chat companies.
  • According to the Global State of Customer Service Report of Microsoft, 90% of Americans use customer service to decide whether or not to do business with a company.
  • The same report states that 58% of American consumers will switch companies because of poor customer service.
  • Also, nearly three out of five consumers report that good customer service is vital to feel loyalty toward a brand.
  • If the company’s excellent customer service, 78% of consumers will do business with a company again after a mistake. State of the Connected Customer Report by Salesforce
an image of live chat conversion statistic in the center with the illustration of a woman sitting on a chair with her laptop on her lap doing online shopping in the right hand bottom corner and live chat bubbles in the right upper corner
  • A good customer service experience heavily impacts recommendations. Consumers who rate a company’s service as “good” are 38% more likely to recommend that company.
  • In Hubspot's research on acquisition, it is seen that 93% of customers will possibly make repeat purchases with companies offering excellent customer service.
  • Customers that use live chat spend 60% more per purchase. Live Chat Statistics by Softwareadvice
  • 79% of businesses say offering live chat has positively affected sales, revenue, and customer loyalty.
an image of a live chat invesment rate statistic with a man illustration watering a money plant and live chat bubbles in the upper right corner
  • 51% of customers buy again from a company if they offer live chat support.
  • Also, 52% of consumers are likelier to remain loyal to a company that offers live chat support. Live Chat Software Statistics
  • Having a live chat service increases a company’s conversion rate by 3.87%.
  • 42.38% of customers report buying something owing to an excellent live chat session.
  • Proactive chat leads to 105% ROI.
Also See: Popup-ROI-Calculator

The Impact of Pandemic on Support Services

Before we wrap up, let’s mention the elephant in the room. It’s evident that due to the pandemic the way businesses operate changed dramatically.

This change was initially led by changing customer behavior.

To adapt to new expectations, customer service teams revised their system. From personalizing customer experience to making customer support contactless, the pandemic has given rise to new trends in customer service.

  • According to Benchmark Snapshot by Zendesk, the number of support tickets increased by 20% due to pandemic.
  • In 2020, 64% of customers gave a chance to a new messaging channel to contact companies.
  • Since 2020, the usage of automation to solve problems has increased by 25%.
  • In Forbes's article on the effects of pandemic, we see that 74% of customer service leaders state that customers have become more empathetic due to the pandemic.


Extra Bonus: If you are looking for a free live chat tool, here you have it. You can try Popupsmart's Live Chat Tool today to achieve maximum customer satisfaction and increase your conversion rate.

Before You Leave…

Benefiting from chatbots, live chat, and text messaging on your website improves client experience, streamlines customer service, and boosts conversions.

As online businesses grow, the demand for 24-hour responsiveness increases.

Therefore, learning these live chat statistics will help you strengthen business relations and create new chances.

We hope that these live chat stats contribute to your business and research.

Frequently Asked Questions

Live chat statistics can be easy to grab, but we want to highlight some more points for you.

Are Live Chats Effective?

Live chat delivers 73% satisfaction, compared to 61% for email and 44% for phone support. Thanks to live chat, not only will your customer satisfaction ratings rise, but so will your customer retention.

Is There a Free Live Chat Tool?

Some of the free live chat tools are:

What is a Chatbot?

A chatbot is a computer software replicating and processing human speech, allowing people to communicate with digital gadgets as if they were talking to a real person.

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