· 13 min read

28 Perfectly Optimized Popup Designs & Downloadable Source

Mia Mowry
-Published on:
Jan 25, 2024
-Updated on:
Dec 23, 2024

You know a successful and converting popup is a perfectly designed popup, right?

You don’t have to be a designer or have a lot of experience in this area to build perfectly optimized popups. However, you can create stunning popups with the popup design inspirations we’ve got for you.

In this article, we will entirely change how you see popups by providing amazing tips, information, and inspiring design examples.

Also, you can download popup design templates for inspiration while creating your own! We have a downloadable popup template source waiting for you in the last part of this article.

Let’s dive into them!

How Popup Services Work?

The best way to create superb popup designs is through using high-quality popup service providers like Popupsmart.

A popup service;

  • Works without plugin requirement
  • Provides advanced targeting options
  • Includes various template options with full customizability for distinguished popup designs is just what you need.

Here is a quick step-by-step guide for taking the first steps of creating a popup:

First of all, in order to take advantage of popup services, you need to select your business goal.

selecting business objective from popup selection page

Business goals include:

Eventually, you’re going to select a popup type and the best popup template based on your business goal.

customizing popup campaign on Popupsmart builder

You can personalize your popup campaigns just as you need with Popupsmart’s popup builder. The builder lets you reflect your brand with splendid popup designs.

It’s all that simple and easy!

Now, let’s keep going by describing each popup design to make you get the maximum profit from your campaigns.

You can also easily measure how much you gained from investing in a popup service with our free popup ROI calculator tool!

I will explain the process step by step based on the different business goals that I’ve mentioned above.

1. Best Popup Designs To Increase Sales Conversions

You can increase your sales conversions by using proper popup designs. Promoting your products and offering special deals on popups are possible and proven to be effective ways to boost conversions!

Coupon Code Popup

coupon code popup example that says "Don't leave empty handed" with balloons

You can convert your abandoning visitors with the help of the dynamic coupon code popup impressions. This popup will help deliver the right message about your popular products and dynamic coupon codes.

engaging coupon code popup example that says "Thanks for being a rockstar" and a woman dancing

Popupsmart services offer a smart way to make you increase your sales.

You’ll succeed in your marketing efforts by improving your products’ impression.

Competition & Giveaway Popup

competition and giveaway popup example that says "Escape to summer paradise with out hot giveaway"

If you want to trigger your customers to become subscribers, use a giveaway popup design to gain them! In that way, your customers can interact with your website & make a purchase thanks to giveaways.

giveaway popup example that says "unlock a special offer now" with a lottery ball element

You can use gamification popups for your giveaway campaigns as well.

Boost Product Popup

boost product popup design example that says "hold on" and a girl on the right

These promotional popups are helpful to boost your popular products or services. By showing this popup, you will increase your sales conversions immediately!

boost product with clear images popup example that says "knock knock"

You can include clear product images on your popup to promote your products.

Also, don’t forget that every popup template has a responsive design compatible with mobile devices, tablets, or computers.

Furthermore, you can integrate sounds with impressions for your spectacular popup campaigns.

2. Best Popup Designs to Grow Your Email List

If you’re eager to grow your mailing list, say hi to Popupsmart’s advanced popup designs.

To convert your website visitors into email leads, we offer the best user experience in popup designs.

Join Community Popup

join community popup example that says "Join our voluntary spring clean-up community" with an image of people with cleaning supplies

How about acquiring your customer’s information to get them to join your services?

You may ask for their personal information and email addresses with these popups. By providing this experience, you will gain subscriptions to your blog page, website, or products.

Call-to-action Popup

call to action popup example that says "Need help with sizing or fit?" with a girl wearing a red dress & smiling

If you give them a solid call-to-action message, then there is no way not to convert your website visitors into loyal fans.

call-to-action popup with a sense of urgency that says "Oops! Looks like you are letting go a limited-stock shoe"

You can explore the recipe for clear CTA popup.

Make it with high-quality popups that will convey your message at the right time to the right person!

Newsletter Popup

newsletter popup example that says "Get the inside scoop" with an abstract background

You can promote your newsletter signups with the help of our advanced popup designs. So say goodbye to those dull designs that make you feel irritated.

newsletter popup example with social proof that says"+20.000 people subscribed to our newsletter" and a girl checking computer with mail illustrations

Also, you can grow your email list with social proof. Indicate that how many subscribers you have, promote your valuable content & encourage your visitors to sign up for your newsletter!

Demo Request Popup

demo request popup example that says "Get your free demo today" and an illustration of a woman checking phone

Using this smart demo request popup, you can instantly collect your customer’s email addresses to provide them with what they need!

By adding a demo request popup to your website, you can improve your customer support as well.

personalized support popup example that says "Ready to take your shopping experience to the next level?" with an image of three bags

Apart from this, you can offer personalized support with a popup & get in touch with those who fill in your popup form. That way, you can improve your customer support as well.

Floating Bar Newsletter Popup

floating bar newsletter popup example with a user review

As a popular popup design, the floating bar popup template is located at the top or bottom bar of the browser.

Popupsmart’s floating bar popups enable you to create eye-catching header or footer bars that stay visible as visitors scroll through your site.

It’s one of the best ways to convert visitors to subscribers without annoying them.

Also, if you want to highlight sales, promote content upgrades, or simply say hello to your visitors, I highly recommend using floating bar popup designs.

Lead Magnet Popup

lead magnet popup example that says "Get your exclusive guide book to rock your wardrobe" with an image of men wearing suits

You can display your products with an offer on your popup. That way, people can be encouraged to sign up for your newsletter.

lead magnet popup to grow email list that says "Stay in the loop" with an illustration of letterbox

Including a clear image and a headline with a CTA allows you to increase your user engagement.

Wheel Popup

wheel popup example for Halloween that says "Trick or treat" with a Halloween themed background

As an unusual popup design, wheel popup templates attract attention, accordingly, it provides efficient conversions for users.

wheel popup example with a discount that says "Spin-to-win for up to 50% off!"

You can create a wheel popup by customizing it for your website. You may set some display rules (in every other popup design) or arrange styles and content. It’s all up to you!

However, it’s one of the best popup designs and a new trend that will make your conversion rates skyrocket!

3. Best Popup Designs to Increase User Engagement

Popups are great for increasing user engagement if they are made attention-grabbing and attractive. You can quickly boost your visitors' interaction with your website with well-designed popups.

Product Updates Popup

product update popup example with the headline "Take a look at our new update"

Popupsmart offers a better way to inform your website visitors of your new products, the latest updates on your services, and much more.

I guess you’re tired of having a bad experience with popups. However, this popup design will make you happy to share the news with your followers!

Floating Bar Blog Post Popup

floating bar blog post popup example that says "Want to learn how to create engaging popup?"

The most convincing part of the floating popup template is that it does not interrupt the user experience. Therefore, it can be effectively used as an announcement or conversion target.

You should try the floating bar blog post popup to provide useful information about your latest blogs or articles!

It will automatically increase your conversion rates.

Sidebar Blog Post Popup

sidebar blog post popup example with the headline "Take a look" and a person typing on a MacBook

Another way to guide your visitors to your blog posts or helpful articles is through sidebar blog post designs to give users the best experience! You can let your website visitors view notifications instantly through sidebar popups.

As an ideal popup design to provide visitor communication without disturbance, the sidebar popup template aims to direct users interested in target conversion.

Announcement Popup

announcement popup example that says "We are on producthunt"

As you see, announcement popups are another great way to trigger your website visitors. Create powerful call-to-action buttons in your campaigns and display them to increase your conversion rates!

Exit-Intent Popup

exit-intent popup example with a countdown timer that says "Stop! Don't leave just yet..." with an illustration of a cat

Popups have a smart algorithm to detect and react to visitor behaviors such as abandonment, inactivity time, exit intent, etc.

When a visitor tends to leave the website, the system detects the mouse movements and displays the exit-intent popup.

According to Baymard Institute’s data about cart abandonment rate, you can recover up to 69.89% of abandoned carts by showing your visitors an exit-intent popup.

You can use exit-intent targeting to regain users’ attention and guide them towards a solid call to action such as to “Subscribe” or “Get a Discount.” In this way, exit-intent popups trigger the improvement of your website’s conversion rate.

exit-intent popup example with a discount that says "Wait! Before you go, here's a 10% discount" and an image of a dog wearing a beanie

Exit-Intent popups are great options for you to lure your customers back with attractive messages or incentives; moreover, by asking for your visitors’ emails on your incentive, including popups triggered on exit intent, you can improve your email marketing campaigns.

This way, visitors can receive your tempting offer, and you can have a strong list of new high-quality leads.

exit-intent popup example to grow email list that says "10% off" and an image of a woman smiling and taking a photo
  • You can keep your visitors engaged and increase your chances of converting them with exit-intent popups.
  • Recommending popular products from your website or showing trendy content to your visitors is another powerful way to keep them engaged. With exit-intent popup technology, you can test alternative headlines to figure out which one is more effective.

As the Popupsmart team, we’re sure you’ve already started implementing exit-intent popups to your website.

Cookie Consent Popup

cookie consent popup example that says "We use cookies" with a cookie illustration

Have cookie compliance popups on your website, which carry the characteristics of;

  • Presenting clear information about the purpose of cookies,
  • Explaining tracking technologies in use on the website,
  • Requesting for cookie consent initially in users’ browsers,
  • A link to your cookie policy includes the details of cookie usage, purpose, and related third-party activities.

4. Best Popup Designs to Increase Your Phone Call Conversions

Increasing your phone calls and conversions with popups is very practical. By including phone call popups, you can offer a better customer support experience as well.

Call Request Popup

call request popup example that says "Get free support"

You may let your visitors enter their phone numbers to call them back. In addition, your visitors can directly call you, thanks to the call-to-action button in this popup design.

Don’t underestimate the power of phone call conversions. You’ll see the benefits as you start to use these advanced popups!

WhatsApp Call Popup

Whatsapp call popup example with the headline "Give us a WhatsApp call"

You can directly add a WhatsApp support line to your site. Including these popups on your website can help you to improve your customer support process.

All you have to do is specify your phone number and watch your phone call conversion rates boom!

Final Words

That is all for perfectly optimized popup designs! You can get inspired by looking at these popup designs and creating your own quickly. Adding an attention-grabbing popup to your website can help boost your conversions and user engagement!

Using a popup builder like Popupsmart can be practical for creating eye-catching popups with remarkable designs. Moreover, since Popupsmart doesn’t require any coding knowledge and experience, you can create converting popups quickly!

If you haven’t signed up, register Popupsmart for free today & start creating your conversion-ready popups.

You can also check our Pinterest popup design board to get even more inspired!

If you crave more popup designs for inspiration, download popup design templates.

Have comments and thoughts about our perfectly optimized popup designs? We’d love to hear your ideas! Share your thoughts about popup designs in the comments section below. 🤓

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