· 21 min read

10 Free Trial Email Templates with Effective Examples

Free trial email examples can be inspirational for your business.

If you want to convert your potential customers into loyal subscribers, free trial emails are a good start to welcome them.

With the perfect free trial email example and ready-to-use templates, you will be ready to enhance conversion rates. So, let’s start!

Why Is Sending Free Trial Emails Effective?

Sending free trial emails is effective for several reasons:

Engagement and Awareness: Offering a free trial through email can grab the attention of potential customers who might be interested in your product or service. It creates awareness and encourages them to engage with your brand.

Hands-On Experience: A free trial allows users to experience your product firsthand. This hands-on experience can be more persuasive than just reading about the features. Users can explore the functionality, understand the value proposition, and assess whether the product meets their needs.

Reduced Risk: Many consumers hesitate to commit to a product without trying it first. A free trial reduces the perceived risk associated with making a purchase. Users can evaluate the product's benefits and determine if it aligns with their expectations before making a financial commitment.

Building Trust: By offering a free trial, you demonstrate confidence in the value of your product. This transparency can build trust with potential customers. When users see that you believe in your offering, they may be more inclined to trust your brand.

User Acquisition: Free trials can be an effective strategy for acquiring new customers. Once users sign up for a trial, you can showcase your product's value and convert them into paying customers.

Data Collection: During the free trial period, you can collect valuable user behavior and preferences data. This information can be used to tailor your marketing efforts, improve the user experience, and optimize your product based on real user feedback.

Upselling Opportunities: Once users have experienced the benefits of your product through a free trial, you can present them with upselling opportunities. This could include offering additional features or encouraging them to upgrade to a paid subscription.

Email Marketing Effectiveness: Email is a direct and personalized communication channel. Sending free trial emails allows you to reach potential customers directly in their inbox, where they can easily access information about the trial and take action.

the email written on free trial representation

What to Include in a Free Trial Email Example- Best Practices and Tips

Free trial emails are not complicated to prepare. 

All you need to do is to give importance to some of the main elements in your free trial email. Here they are:

1. Subject Line: You need to make it as engaging as possible since it directly affects the increase in the email open rate and grabs the attention of subscribers.

2. Addressing: When starting your email, you must greet your subscribers properly to make them feel welcome.  

3. Free Trial Offer: You shouldn't wait for the free trial for so long; share it in the first place of your email. 

4. Value Proposition: You need to present the benefits of the free trial of your product. For this, you can benefit from unique selling proposition examples.

5. Onboarding: Then, you need to help your subscribers become familiar with you and the process of how your product works. Giving some tips may be helpful.

6. CTA (Call-to-Action): Sooner or later, you need to locate a CTA button to lead your subscribers to learn more about your process. Or, you can direct them to your pricing to give them an idea.

7. Help Resource: Sharing a help source, like documentation, tutorial, or guide to follow, provides some kind of additional information for your subscribers and their knowledge about you.

8. Duration/ Time Limit: If you determine a time limit for your users to use the product, you should highlight this point to avoid making them negatively surprised.

9. Encouraging the Free Trial: You should clarify and focus on the point of providing the free trial since it is an advantage to get to know your product.

10. Closure/ Signature: As a proper email format, sending your regards and introducing yourself by adding a signature on Outlook or any other email providers you use, create a professional overview of your brand.

10 Free Trial Email Templates That Will Inspire Your Business

Now, it’s time to share the features of different kinds of free trial email examples and sample templates to use.

You can choose or get inspiration from these free trial email templates and start to use them for your business right away!

1. The Free Trial Welcome Emails

Welcome emails are cliches, but they are necessary.

To highlight the importance of welcoming your new subscribers, your free trial welcome email should be sincere and as clear as possible to give the idea.

You should definitely address your subscribers with their name or your traditional community name to appeal to them.

Including a short introduction of your product and what they can do with it is enough to welcome and reveal the atmosphere.

→ Golden Tip: Don’t forget to add personalization in your free trial welcome emails.

The Free Trial Welcome Email Template

Subject: Welcome to [Your Company]! Your Free Trial Begins Now 🚀

Dear [Customer's Name],

Welcome aboard! We're thrilled to have you join [Your Company] and embark on this exciting journey with us. Your free trial has officially begun, and we can't wait to show you the incredible features and benefits that await you.

Here's a quick overview of what you can expect during your trial:

Explore Our Features:

Take some time to dive into the various features and functionalities that make [Your Product/Service] stand out. Whether it's [Highlight Feature 1], [Highlight Feature 2], or [Highlight Feature 3], we believe you'll find something truly valuable for your needs.

Getting Started:

If you haven't already, we recommend checking out our user-friendly guides and tutorials to help you get started quickly. Our support team is also ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have along the way.

Exclusive Access:

During your trial period, you'll enjoy exclusive access to [special promotions, premium features, etc.]. It's our way of saying thank you for choosing [Your Company].

Feedback Matters:

We're constantly striving to enhance your experience, and your feedback is invaluable to us. If you come across any suggestions, questions, or even positive experiences, please don't hesitate to share them with us. Your input helps us shape the future of [Your Product/Service].

Stay Connected:

Keep an eye on your inbox for updates, tips, and exciting announcements. We'll be sending you regular emails to ensure you make the most out of your trial.

Once again, welcome to the [Your Company] family! We're confident that you'll love what we have to offer.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position, Company]

2. The Free Trial Check-in Emails

As the name suggests, you can check how your users are doing with the free trial check-in emails.

Learning about their experiences and needs will also help you better understand if something is missing.

Since onboarding is crucial, your eagerness to learn the details -without exaggerating, of course- can impress your users.

Also, free trial check-in emails provide the sense of being dedicated to your product, and you can solve issues before your users attempt.

→ Golden Tip: Check-in doesn’t mean sending consecutive emails to your customers; you should focus on their experience.

The Free Trial Check-in Email Template

Subject: How's Your [Product Name] Experience Going?

Hi [Recipient's Name],

We hope you're enjoying your free trial of [Product Name]! We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Feature Exploration:

Have you tried all the features? From [Feature 1] to [Feature 2], we want to ensure you're making the most of your trial.

Any Questions or Challenges?

If you need assistance or have questions, our support team is here for you. Reach out at [support email] or [support phone number].

Feedback on Usability:

How's the user interface? Your feedback helps us improve.

Future Needs:

Consider how [Product Name] fits your future needs. Let's discuss its long-term potential.

Reply to this email or click the link to schedule a quick feedback call:

[CTA Button: Schedule Feedback Call]

Your insights matter to us. Thanks for your time!

[Your Name]
[Your Position, Company]

3. The Free Trial Onboarding Emails

You can make your free trial emails a part of an onboarding process.

To present an appropriate free trial onboarding email, you can share a simple step-by-step guide with tips.

The essence of this kind of email is to ease the free trial process, so any type of helpful content can pave the way to upgrading the plan indirectly.

Also, if your onboarding process is complicated, you can collect users’ feedback through emails to be one of the effective user onboarding examples.

→ Golden Tip: While guiding your users through the onboarding, you should not send them a very long email to reveal the steps and details. Be direct and helpful.

The Free Trial Onboarding Email Template

Subject: Welcome to [Product Name]! Let's Start Strong 🚀

Hi [Recipient's Name],

Exciting times! Welcome to [Your Company Name]. Here's a quick guide to kickstart your [Product Name] journey:

  1. Explore the Dashboard:
    • Log in to explore our user-friendly dashboard.
  2. Key Features:
    • Discover essential features like [Feature 1] and [Feature 2].
  3. Onboarding Resources:
    • Quick guides and tutorials await you:
      • Link to Video
      • Link to Written Guides
  4. Need Help?
    • For any questions, our support team is here: [support email] or [support phone number].
  5. Quick Setup Tips:
    • Get started faster with these tips:
      • [Tip 1]
      • [Tip 2]
      • [Tip 3]

Ready to dive in? Click below to access your account:

[CTA Button: Access My Account]

We're here to support your journey with [Product Name]. Enjoy exploring!

[Your Name]
[Your Position, Company]

4. The Proactive Free Trial Emails

Being proactive covers a lot about the free trial process.

Because you might have previous experience with other products, your users may need some anticipation as well.

At this point, pinpointing the necessary details and areas will help you create personalized tips to your users.

Proactive free trial emails may seem similar to check-in free trial emails, but the main difference is that check-in emails may require mutual 

Golden Tip: Make sure their experience is going well and then make your best move to keep your customers with you after the free trial.

The Proactive Free Trial Email Template 

Subject: Exclusive Pro Tips Inside - Enhance Your [Product Name] Experience!

Hi [Recipient's Name],

We hope you're enjoying your free trial of [Product Name]! We wanted to ensure you get the most out of your experience, so here are some exclusive pro tips to take your trial to the next level:

  • Feature Spotlight:
    • Dive deep into [Product Name] by exploring [Feature 1]. It's a game-changer for [specific benefit].
  • Time-Saving Hacks:
    • Boost your efficiency with our time-saving hacks. Check out [Tip 1] and [Tip 2].
  • Personalized Setup:
    • Tailor [Product Name] to your needs with our personalized setup guide. Link to Guide
  • Upcoming Webinar Invitation:
    • Join our advanced user webinar on [date and time] for insider tips and tricks.RSVP Here.
  • Extended Trial Offer:
    • Loving [Product Name]? Extend your trial by [number of days] with code: TRIALEXTEND.

Ready to elevate your trial? Click below to explore these exclusive resources:

[CTA Button: Access Pro Tips]

Remember, we're here to support your journey. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team at [support email] or [support phone number].

Cheers to making the most of your trial!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position, Company]

5. The Free Trial Extension Emails

Free trials are great opportunities for new users. 

However, based on their experience and the duration of your free trial, there may be a need to expand the limits of the free trial time limit.

At this point, you can provide an extension for your new users and hold their presence to persuade for further.

Golden Tip: Providing personalized discount codes to extend the free trial will make your customers feel a lot special. 

The Free Trial Extension Email Template

Subject: Extend Your [Product Name] Trial for More Exploration!

Hi [Recipient's Name],

We hope you've been enjoying your time exploring [Product Name]! Great news – we're extending your free trial to give you more time to dive into all the amazing features and benefits.

Your Exclusive Trial Extension Code: EXTENDNOW

Here's how to apply for your trial extension:

  1. Log in to Your Account:
    • Click Link to Login to access your [Product Name] account.
  2. Go to Billing or Subscription:
    • Find the "Billing" or "Subscription" section in your account settings.
  3. Apply Code:
    • Enter the code EXTENDNOW when prompted.
  4. Enjoy [Number of Days] More:
    • Your trial has now been extended by [number of days], giving you extra time to explore and make the most of [Product Name].

If you have any questions or need assistance during this extended trial period, our support team is ready to help. Contact us at [support email] or [support phone number].

Ready to extend your trial? Click below to access your account:

[CTA Button: Extend My Trial]

Thank you for choosing [Product Name]. We're excited to continue supporting you on your journey!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position, Company]

6. The Free Trial Emails with Discounts and Offers

For sharing the discounts and offers, you can start by including them in your email subject line. 

When it comes to the email content, you can use a persuasive and advantageous tone for your customers.

Plus, to specify your offers, you can adjust the segments and make the necessary targeting.

Golden Tip: Providing your discounts and offers with a time limit will create a sense of urgency on the customers’ side.

The Free Trial Email Template with Discounts and Offers

Subject: Exclusive Offer Inside! Supercharge Your [Product Name] Experience 🚀

Hi [Recipient's Name],

We hope you're enjoying your free trial of [Product Name]! As a token of appreciation, we're excited to offer you an exclusive discount to elevate your experience.

Limited-Time Offer: [Discount Percentage] Off Your Subscription!

Here's how to claim your discount:

  1. Log in to Your Account:
    • Click Link to Login to access your [Product Name] account.
  2. Go to Subscription or Billing:
    • Navigate to the "Subscription" or "Billing" section in your account settings.
  3. Apply Promo Code:
    • Enter code: TRIALOFFER during the checkout process.
  4. Enjoy [Discount Percentage] Off:
    • Your subscription cost will reflect the exclusive [discount percentage] discount.

This offer is valid until [expiration date], so don't miss out on the opportunity to supercharge your [Product Name] experience at a discounted rate!

If you have any questions or need assistance with applying the discount, our support team is here to help. Reach out to us at [support email] or [support phone number].

Ready to unlock premium features at a special rate? Click below to upgrade your subscription:

[CTA Button: Upgrade with Discount]

Thank you for choosing [Product Name]. We can't wait to see how our advanced features transform your [specific use case or industry].

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position, Company]

7. The Free Trial Feedback Emails

Feedback works even when there is a free trial period.

For a free trial feedback email, you should be clear and concise by focusing on user experience and areas for improvement.

Also, don’t forget to express your gratitude, although your customers’ free trial has expired. 

Golden Tip: If you want to keep your customers with you, you can offer additional features by requesting for feedback.

The Free Trial Feedback Email Template

Subject: Your Feedback Matters! Share Your Thoughts on [Product Name]

Hi [Recipient's Name],

We hope you've had a productive time exploring [Product Name] during your free trial. Your experience is invaluable to us, and we would greatly appreciate your feedback.

Quick Survey - Your Opinion Counts!

We've prepared a brief survey to gather insights into your thoughts on [Product Name]. Your feedback will help us enhance our features and services to meet your needs better.

Survey Link

Additionally, if you have any specific comments, suggestions, or success stories you'd like to share, please feel free to reply to this email. We love hearing directly from our users!

As a token of our appreciation, participants who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win [prize or incentive].

Thank you for being a part of our [Product Name] community. Your feedback is crucial in shaping the future of our platform.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position, Company]

8. The Pitch Emails

The Pitch email is one of the strongest email types that you can try.

You can consider pitch emails as the email that you want your customers to turn from a free trial to paying customers.

That’s why you can share success stories, real-life examples, and statistics about the benefits of your product or service.

Finally, though your customers may not continue to use your service, they can see how you can provide benefits. -Maybe for the future-

Golden Tip: In the pitch emails, try to show your features and value propositions to fulfill the needs of your target.

The Pitch Email Template

Subject: Elevate Your [Product/Service] Experience with a Free Trial!

Hi [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. At [Your Company], we're excited to share an exclusive opportunity with you - a free trial of our [Product/Service].

Why Should You Try [Product/Service]?

Our [Product/Service] is designed to [solve a specific problem or meet a particular need]. Here's why you should give it a try:

  • [Highlight key feature or benefit]
  • [Emphasize another key feature]
  • [Mention any unique selling points]

What You'll Get:

  • [List the main features included in the free trial]
  • [Highlight any premium features available during the trial]

How to Get Started:

  1. Step 1: Provide clear instructions on how to sign up
  2. Step 2: Include a link or button for easy access to the trial
  3. Step 3: Any additional information or requirements

Limited Time Offer:

This exclusive free trial is only available until [mention the deadline]. Don't miss out on the chance to experience the benefits firsthand!

What Others Are Saying:

"Since using [Product/Service], our [customer/client] satisfaction has skyrocketed!" - [Customer Name]

Ready to Transform Your [Specific Area]?

Click the button below to start your free trial now:

[CTA Button: Start Your Free Trial]

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reply to this email or contact our support team at [Support Email/Phone].

Thank you for considering [Your Product/Service]. We can't wait for you to experience the difference.

Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Position, Company]

9. The Free Trial Converted Emails

These types of emails are like pitch emails that support users of free trial to convert to paying customers.

When starting, you can start with gratitude for the process and sharing the value of your users.

Moving on, the key benefits of the product or the service should be shared.

If you don’t want to leave your customers, you can connect them on socials or provide other details to keep sending emails for the benefit of your product.

Golden Tip: You should emphasize the support you will be giving and other additional features.

The Free Trial Converted Email Template

Subject: Congratulations! Welcome to the [Product Name] Family 🎉

Hi [Recipient's Name],

We're excited to share the news – your free trial of [Product Name] has now been converted to a full subscription! Welcome aboard!

What's Next?

  • Access Premium Features: Unlock the full potential of [Product Name] with access to all premium features, including [Feature 1], [Feature 2], and more.
  • Exclusive Benefits: Enjoy priority customer support, early access to new features, and exclusive offers reserved for our valued subscribers.
  • Billing Details: Your subscription details and billing information can be reviewed in your account settings. You can do so if any details need updating link to account settings.
  • Stay Connected: Follow us on [social media links] to stay updated on the latest tips, updates, and community discussions.

We're thrilled to have you as part of the [Product Name] family. If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help. Reach out at [support email] or [support phone number].

Thank you for choosing [Product Name]. Get ready for an enhanced experience and continued success in [specific use case or industry]!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position, Company]

10. The Free Trial Expiration Emails

Expiration emails can upset you and your customers.

However, the motive behind these emails is to give the sense that the time that you provided is getting shorter. 

Moreover, these emails are for praising and marketing your product with all the positive details.

Sharing exclusive options to move forward can help both sides overall.

Golden Tip: Since it is the last chance to reach your subscribers, you need to emphasize that their free trial is expiring by creating a sense of urgency.

The Free Trial Expiration Email Template

Subject: Congratulations! Welcome to the [Product Name] Family 🎉

Hi [Recipient's Name],

We're excited to share the news – your free trial of [Product Name] has now been converted to a full subscription! Welcome aboard!

What's Next?

  • Access Premium Features: Unlock the full potential of [Product Name] with access to all premium features, including [Feature 1], [Feature 2], and more.
  • Exclusive Benefits: Enjoy priority customer support, early access to new features, and exclusive offers reserved for our valued subscribers.
  • Billing Details: Your subscription details and billing information can be reviewed in your account settings. You can do so if any details need updating link to account settings.
  • Stay Connected: Follow us on [social media links] to stay updated on the latest tips, updates, and community discussions.

We're thrilled to have you as part of the [Product Name] family. If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help. Reach out at [support email] or [support phone number].

Thank you for choosing [Product Name]. Get ready for an enhanced experience and continued success in [specific use case or industry]!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position, Company]

Real-Life Free Trial Email Examples 

These free trial email examples that are sent by famous brands will help you better understand what you can do with free trial email. 

1. Open 

the free trial email example of Open with a visual

Open’s free trial email is an aesthetic one. 

The image background supports the email visually when the motto and the button to try for free invite your subscribers to action.

By continuing to the email, the brand shares the features and advantages of the science of sound to affect the subscribers’ perspective.

Lastly, another button on the upper part of the email is used to begin the adventure of learning the depth of the service.

2. Lululemon

the free trial email of Lululemon with the introductory image and explanation

Lululemon’s free trial email is more direct than the other emails.

Since they use the sentence “Start your 30-day free trial” at the beginning, the main aim is shared with the subscribers.

Later, the explanation provides the necessary details by motivating you about what you can do.

Also, there is a code to use on the checkout page, and it’s bolded.

The button at the end of the free trial email is to the point, so it leads subscribers to take action. 

3. Headspace

the free trial email example of Headspace with the related image and necessary explanation

One of the colorful and inspiring free trial emails belongs to Headspace.

Headspace shares the free trial as a gift to the subscribers.

With the right brand image and design, the brand provides a 14-day free trial. 

There are two buttons in the email with the same CTA: Start your free trial. 

This way, if the subscribers are satisfied with the offer, they can start directly. Otherwise, they can read the details and they can move on with the free trial if they want.

4. Weglot

the free trial email of Weglot with only informative text

The welcome email from Weglot represents an effective sample of introductory emails.

It gently welcomes the users onboard and presents the steps that can be taken. 

Plus, the brand shares the factors that help people understand and use the product.

Lastly and most importantly, Weglot provides personal help, if necessary, through this email and shares a discount code to encourage users to become customers.

5. PicMonkey

the free trial email of PicMonkey with the images and catchy question

With the visually appealing free trial email of PicMonkey, subscribers are directed to a risk-free free trial process.

Since the term “risk-free” is highly emphasized, we can see that the brand tries to provide a satisfaction guarantee for the experience.

The images are sufficient, and the following explanation gives the main idea; later, the button triggers to start a free trial to encourage.

Plus, the brand suggests some templates to support social media inclusion.

To Sum Up

About the free trial emails, you should know that they are one of the first chances to impress your potential users.

You need to take the chance to create the perfect free trial email and show your impact.

As we suggest, choose the type that most fit your business and start customizing your free trial email.

Frequently Asked Questions

To improve your knowledge about the free trial email process, here are some frequently asked questions to check.

Are Follow-up Emails Important After the Free Trial Period Ends?

Yes, sending thank-you emails, requesting feedback, and providing information on subscription options for nurturing leads might be effective to contact. This way, you can maintain engagement and encourage users to become paying customers.

Can Free Trial Emails Be Used for Software or Digital Products Only?

No, free trial emails can be effective for various products and services. From physical products to online courses, the concept of offering a trial period to experience the offering applies across different industries based on your needs.

What Role Does Storytelling Play in Free Trial Emails?

Storytelling can create a connection with users. Sharing success stories, use cases, or scenarios that demonstrate how your product or service solves specific problems in your free trial emails will help users envision the value of the trial in their own context. Proving success with a story will always work for the sake of its impact.

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