
How to Change General Advanced Settings of Your Popup

In this guide, we will explain what you can do with General Advanced Settings to further customize your popup according to your wishes and needs.

1. Select an existing popup campaign or create a new one. And go to "Style" step.

2. Click the "Advanced Style" tab in the Style step.

advanced style section on the popup builder

3. You can see the General Advanced Settings option here.

general advanced settings option in the style step

Here are the customizations you can apply when you select General Advanced Settings option:

  • You can change your canvas size, height of your popup campaign. You can use % & px as a parameter for this.
  • You can edit padding of your popup design
  • You can edit the margin of your campaign to change position of your design.
  • You can remove the shadow of your campaign
💡 Note: You can make all changes for desktop & mobile designs individually.

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