
How to Cancel Your Subscription with Popupsmart

Do you need to cancel your subscription with Popupsmart? Sorry to hear that, but of course, you can cancel your subscription anytime, and we are here to assist you throughout the process.

❗️Important: Please note that the only way to cancel a subscription is to contact our Customer Success team, and the terms for refund eligibility are detailed below.

Refund Eligibility

Monthly Subscription

All users with a monthly subscription have the right to request a full refund within 7 days of their initial subscription date without providing any specific explanation.

Annual Subscription

For users with an annual subscription, the refund window extends to 15 days from the subscription date, and no additional explanation is required.

🔔 Note that if you have paid and have an ongoing membership, you may continue using Popupsmart until the payment period ends.

For instance, if you paid for a subscription at the beginning of the month and want to cancel your account, you may use our services until the end of the month.

Then, your subscription will be automatically canceled for the next month regarding your request.

To cancel your subscription and request a refund, follow these steps:

  1. Reach out to our Customer Success team either by emailing [email protected] or directly contacting them via the chat box within the dashboard. The CS team typically reply within an hour.
  2. Our Customer Success team will review your request and get back to you as soon as possible. Please allow some time for this review process.

🔔 Note that Stripe, our secure payment processor, manages all payments, including refunds. If your refund is approved, it may take some time for the funds to be processed and returned to your account.

Do you have any more questions about the Popupsmart subscription? Contact us.