· 26 min read

How to Increase Shopify Sales: 20 Effective Strategies

Increasing Shopify sales is crucial in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

In this guide, we'll reveal proven strategies to draw traffic to your Shopify store and convert visitors into repeat buyers.

Get ready for practical tips to elevate your online sales rapidly!

Let's learn how to increase Shopify sales!

Top Reasons Why You Are Not Getting Shopify Sales

hands hold a cellphone showing the Shopify home page

If you are struggling with low sales on your Shopify store, understanding the hurdles is the first step to overcoming them.

Here's why you might not be seeing the sales you desire:

  • Poor Website Design: A cluttered, confusing layout can turn customers away. Ensure your site is user-friendly, visually appealing, and easy to navigate.
  • Lack of Mobile Optimization: With most shoppers using smartphones, a non-mobile-friendly store is a sales killer. Ensure your site is responsive and mobile-optimized.
  • Weak SEO Strategies: If you're not visible on search engines, customers can't find you. Invest in strong SEO practices to boost your online presence.
  • Ineffective Marketing: Generic marketing doesn't cut it. Tailor your Shopify marketing strategies to effectively target your ideal customer demographic.
  • Limited Payment Options: Offering a variety of payment methods caters to a wider audience, enhancing the likelihood of purchases.
  • Neglecting Customer Reviews: Lack of social proof can deter potential buyers. Display customer reviews prominently to build trust.
  • Inadequate Product Descriptions: Clear, detailed product descriptions with high-quality images are essential to entice buyers.
  • Not Utilizing Email Marketing: Ignoring this powerful tool can mean missing out on a significant sales channel. Engage customers with targeted email campaigns.
  • No Urgency or Incentives: Creating a sense of urgency with limited-time offers can encourage quicker purchasing decisions.

20 Effective Ways to Increase Your Shopify Sales

1. Put Your Unique Value Proposition Forward

Your unique value proposition (UVP) draws customers to your Shopify store. It's what makes you stand out in the crowd.

Here is a concrete example of how UVP can set you apart from others:

In 1954, M&M's introduced their famous slogan: "Melts in your mouth, not in your hand."

This catchy phrase highlighted their patented hard sugar coating, which prevented the chocolate from melting in one's hands.

This innovation made M&M's a preferred choice for chocolate that could withstand the heat, especially for soldiers and outdoor enthusiasts, setting them apart from other brands.

Two black and white images of the same boy, one with the text “melts in your mouth” and the other “not in your hand

As the example clearly shows, it is important for you to take time to refine and prominently display your UVP on your website to attract the right audience and boost Shopify sales.

You can find more examples of successful unique selling propositions here: Unique Selling Proposition Examples That Attract Millions

2. Understand the Customer Needs & Target Audience

Your customers want you to get to know them better. Need proof?

In Statista's survey of consumers in the US, UK, Australia, and New Zealand, 40% stated that they wanted brands to understand their style preferences better.

Here is an actionable tip: If you run a fitness apparel store, you could ask, "What motivates you to work out?" or "What's your preferred workout style?" to understand your customers better.

This data will help you tailor your products and marketing to resonate with your customers, leading to more Shopify sales.

Then, you should ask yourself, "Who do you want to sell your products to?"

The answer to this question helps you clear confusion about your marketing strategies, so you need to ask yourself questions like:

  • What is the age range of your potential customers?
  • Are they predominantly male, female, or a mix? What are their values and beliefs?

This way, you'll have a buyer persona to work on.

By defining your audience, you can align your product offerings, marketing, and website design to cater to their preferences, boosting Shopify sales and customer satisfaction.

3. Create A User-Friendly and Visually Appealing Website

Your website is your store's front window. It is where the first impression forms in your customers' heads.

It takes less than a second for visitors to form an opinion about your brand when they visit your website.

So, a cluttered or confusing store window can turn potential customers away. It might be a good idea to invest in a clean, user-friendly design with high-quality visuals.

Also, ensure your site is mobile-responsive since mobile e-commerce sales reached $2.2 trillion in 2023!

Remember, a smooth, visually appealing website encourages visitors to stay and shop.

4. Focus on Customer Acquisition

Acquiring customers is one thing, and keeping them engaged is another. It can be said that they are both super important!

Let's see what you can do to capture new customers and increase user engagement.

One of the first steps in boosting your Shopify sales is to build a community of interested shoppers.

For this, you can consider encouraging visitors on your website to subscribe by offering something valuable in return.

For instance, if you sell beauty products, provide a free skincare guide in exchange for their email addresses.

This not only captures potential customers but also allows you to nurture these leads for future sales.

5. Offer Free Shipping to Attract Customers

In early 2022, Statista's study on online shoppers' purchase behavior based on delivery options revealed that nearly 68.2% of global consumers were more likely to buy something online if they could get it delivered for free.

Free shipping, without a doubt, is one of the most effective ways to entice shoppers to complete their purchases.

To make sure your Shopify business gets the maximum benefit from offering free shipping, you may consider setting a minimum purchase threshold to qualify for free shipping.

This way, your customers will be encouraged to add more items to their cart and improve the average order value.

You can also check out the popup below to get inspired about how you can offer free shipping.

A free shipping popup on a pink background with a 3D truck illustration and "Show with ease, ship for free!" headline continue with a piece of related text and a close button

6. Optimize Product Pages with Quality Content

Your product pages are the digital storefronts of your Shopify store. They are critical because these pages are where potential customers make their purchasing decisions.

To maximize their effectiveness, enriching them with high-quality content is essential. This includes detailed and compelling product descriptions that highlight your offerings' key features and benefits.

You should definitely incorporate visually appealing images that showcase your products from various angles.

It's important because your customers want to know exactly what they are paying for.

Using your images, you can emphasize your products' quality and unique attributes.

Last but not least, let's not forget to integrate video content whenever possible.

Most industry giants (89%) use pre-produced videos as a digital consumer engagement tactic.

7. Build Trust with Social Proof and User-Generated Content (UGC)

Do you buy from brands that give you no trust at all? Exactly.

That's why you should encourage your satisfied customers to share their experiences through detailed reviews and ratings on your product pages to boost Shopify sales.

Pro Tip: Simplify the process for them and consider offering incentives, such as discounts or exclusive access, in exchange for reviews.

Dedicate a section of your website where customers can submit photos or videos of themselves using your products.

User-generated content (UGC) is super popular, and its popularity is increasing day by day in e-commerce.

For instance, fashion brands like ASOS and H&M often feature customers wearing their clothing in real-life situations, providing authentic social proof.

A female with a towel on her head on Asos' Instagram page with photo desription on the right

For example, the fashion brand Fashion Nova effectively utilizes Instagram to showcase its products through influencers and user-generated content, making it easy for followers to shop.

FashionNova’s Instagram page showing 3 different images next to each other with highlights in the circles above and account info like followers and following numbers

You can also see the types of user-generated content here: 5 Types of User-Generated Content and Expert Best Practices

8. Implement Upselling and Cross-Selling Tactics

Upselling is a sales technique where a seller encourages customers to purchase a more expensive or upgraded version of the product they are considering.

Cross-selling, on the other hand, is a technique where a seller recommends related or complementary products to a customer based on their current purchase.

But how can you effectively implement these tactics to drive more Shopify revenue?

Well, firstly, you should analyze customer data and behavior to offer personalized upsell and cross-sell recommendations.

Shopify apps like "Honeycomb Upsell & Cross Sell" can automate this process by suggesting complementary products based on individual browsing and purchase history.

You can also create product bundles that offer a discount when customers buy related items together. Below, you can see a product bundle popup.

A bundle popup example with 3D gift boxes and a jack o'lantern next to a headline as "No tricks, just treat" followed by a related piece of text and "Start Shopping" button

There are many great examples of upselling and cross-selling from industry giants like Amazon and Apple.

You can also check out "How to Upsell and Cross-Sell on Shopify? (11 Best Practices)" to find out the details of upselling and cross-selling on Shopify.

9. Personalize the Shopping Experience

Above, we mentioned the importance of understanding and knowing your customers and how they like it.

For this purpose, you can leverage customer data and AI algorithms to provide personalized product recommendations, tailored content, and targeted promotions.

For example, Amazon's recommendation engine uses data analysis and machine learning to suggest products based on a customer's browsing and purchase history.

Amazon’s related items options show different tablets with ratings and buy buttons under each

Pro Tip: Amazon also provides businesses with Amazon Personalize, a tool that empowers developers to create and deploy customized recommendations and user segmentation on a large scale using machine learning.

You can take advantage of a popup to offer personalized products to your customers as well.

10. Invest in a Strong Social Media Marketing Strategy

The number of active Facebook users according to Statista will blow your mind: Facebook is the most popular social network globally, with around three billion monthly active users.

Did you know that in 2022, over 4.59 billion people were using social media worldwide, and the number is projected to increase to almost six billion in 2027?

According to TikTok, more than 1 billion people worldwide come to TikTok every month.

You can see similar numbers for Instagram, Snapchat or Pinterest.

And all these social media platforms can act as online stores now. You can connect your Shopify with them, or you can just use these platforms as a gateway to your store.

No matter how you utilize them, these numbers are hard to ignore.

You can also see "How to Sell on TikTok with Shopify in 2024? Step By Step Guide" to find out all the ways that you can use TikTok to increase your Shopify sales.

Build a strong social media marketing strategy for your Shopify store. Craft eye-catching posts, informative articles, and compelling visuals that capture attention and drive engagement.

Actively engage with your followers by responding to comments, messages, and inquiries promptly.

11. Utilize Chatbots and Live Chat for Customer Support

When you visit a physical store, you can always find someone to assist you with any issues.

When the shopping experience takes place online, you still need to provide this assistance to your visitors.

Because customer support is crucial for customer retention, you can consider integrating AI-powered chatbots for Shopify to handle common customer inquiries instantly and offer live chat support for more complex issues.

Additionally, in a 2022 US survey, 86% of respondents said it is very important to contact a real person when communicating with a business.

So, it is crucial to choose a chatbot that offers you the flexibility to transition to a human agent when necessary.

You can take advantage of AI bots like LiveChatAI that offer human transition as well so that you can take the conversation from the bot when necessary.

Pro Tip: Chatbots like LiveChatAI understand natural language and learn continuously from the customer chats and the documents you upload.

12. Use Wishlists to Encourage Future Purchases

Wishlists may help you increase your online sales fast as they assist customers in adding things they want to buy later, and you can remind them when those items are available or on sale.

This way, your wishlists keep your store in customers' minds.

When you send them a message about something they saved, they might come back to buy it.

There are many apps on the Shopify store that you can use to create wishlists for customers.

Apps like Wishlist Plus offer a 30-day free trial and a forever-free plan so that you can see if this strategy is working for your business.

Pro Tip: Don't forget to send reminder emails or push notifications when wishlist items are on sale or back in stock.

13. Implement a User-Friendly Return and Refund Policy

Numerous factors can lead to product returns, with the most prevalent being product damage or defects, accounting for 80% of cases.

Following closely, fit issues constitute 75% of returns, while discrepancies between the product received and its description are attributed to 56% of return reasons.

Did you know?

The most returned online purchase item category in the US is clothing.

Given the limitations of online shopping, which can make it challenging to fully grasp a product's physical attributes, coupled with the potential for damage during transit or changing customer preferences, maintaining clear return and refund policies becomes exceedingly crucial.

You should keep the policy clear, concise, and easily accessible.

Make the return process hassle-free, and consider offering multiple return options, such as refunds, exchanges, or store credit.

Don't forget to communicate your policy transparently and educate your customers about it.

When your shoppers know they can shop with confidence and have a straightforward path to resolving issues, it not only builds trust but can also lead to increased sales and repeat business.

14. Develop Effective Email Marketing Campaigns

As Statista states in its study about the number of email users worldwide, it's anticipated that this staggering number will surge even further, reaching over 376 billion daily emails by the year 2025.

Yes, email marketing never gets old.

Another Statista survey about email marketing ROI shows that the ROI of email marketing is improving every year.

In 2022, approximately half of marketing professionals noted a twofold increase in the ROI of their email marketing campaigns.

Meanwhile, an additional 12% achieved an impressive fourfold boost in ROI compared to their results in 2021.

Looking at the statistics and the numbers, we can say that crafting compelling emails is a wise investment.

You may consider creating engaging, personalized email campaigns that resonate with your audience and sharing informative content, exclusive offers, and product updates.

Here is a ready-to-use popup example that you can use to grow your email list:

A form submission popup with a green illustration on a blue background on the left and "Subscribe to our newsletter today" text on the right with full name and email address fields followed by a "Join Newsletter" button

15. Utilize SMS Marketing for Immediate Engagement

The new generation prefers texting over any other form of communication.

To be exact, in a 2022 survey on US consumer communication preferences, 47% of millennials and 44% of Generation Z respondents expressed a preference for brand contact via text messages.

And businesses are starting to get aware of this tendency.

In another Statista survey about the benefits of SMS marketing, 29% of businesses said they use SMS marketing since younger consumers preferred texting over other forms of communication.

So SMS marketing is no joke and nowhere near being over.

You can collect the phone numbers of your website visitors using smart popups and use them wisely to send promotions, updates, and reminders.

A phone number popup with a speech bubble wearing headphones followed by a “Leave your phone number” headline and a phone number field

You can also use SMS marketing software to speed up the process.

Because you can reach your customers directly on their mobile devices via SMS marketing, you will be engaging with them in a more immediate way.

Engaged customers=Increased Shopify sales.

16. Build Organic Traffic Through SEO

a man sitting on a couch with a laptop

Your Shopify website must rank well on search engines to attract more visitors.

That's why you may consider investing in search engine optimization (SEO) and optimizing your website's content and structure.

Using relevant keywords, creating high-quality content, and optimizing meta tags can significantly boost your site's visibility, driving organic traffic to begin with.

Pro Tip: Search engines favor websites that provide up-to-date information, so consider maintaining a blog with relevant articles related to your industry or products.

Let's say your Shopify store specializes in athletic shoes.

You could create blog posts discussing topics such as "How to Choose the Right Running Shoes for Your Fitness Goals" or "Top Trends in Athletic Footwear for the Year."

These articles not only keep your website up-to-date but also position you as an authority in the athletic shoe niche.

For keyword research and tracking your SEO performance, tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, or SEOmator can be valuable.

These tools provide insights into relevant keywords specific to your industry, helping you optimize your content for search engines effectively.

17. Influencer Marketing and Partnerships

Influencers are like well-known personalities on social media, akin to trusted friends of your customers who regularly share aspects of their life, style, profession, or virtually anything online.

A female influencer recording herself on the camera, smiling

They've cultivated a dedicated following, which means that when they endorse your products, potential customers are more inclined to take notice compared to traditional advertisements.

Pro Tip: It's crucial to select an influencer whose values and niche align with your brand.

Your target audience and the influencer's follower base should run parallel for this marketing strategy to yield optimal results.

18. Run Targeted Advertising Campaigns

Here is a super simple explanation of why targeted advertising is more effective:

Advertising is like shouting to a crowd about your store. But with targeted ads on platforms, you're shouting to the right crowd.

When you show ads to people interested in your products, you're more likely to get their attention and make more Shopify sales.

You can use Google Ads to increase online sales by setting clear marketing goals, whether it's driving website visits, in-store traffic, phone calls, or app installations.

Through keyword targeting, you can ensure your ads appear when people search for related terms on Google, while audience targeting on the Google Display Network, YouTube, and mobile apps allow you to reach specific demographics and interests.

Pro Tip: With Google Ads, you pay only when someone interacts with your ad, making it a cost-effective choice.

Google Ads lets you connect with potential customers across various devices and platforms, ensuring you reach your audience wherever they are.

P.S. You can also use A/B testing to see what strategies work for your Shopify store.

19. Implement Customer Loyalty Programs

Making customers feel like insiders involves creating an environment of exclusivity and connection.

You can achieve this by offering exclusive content, personalized communication, and actively involving them in your brand's journey.

Exclusive sneak peeks, personalized product recommendations, and acknowledging their feedback create a sense of being valued and understood.

Did you know?

In a 2022 global survey about customer loyalty, about 80% of consumers viewed a wide product range and product availability as crucial for brand loyalty.

Additionally, they highly value excellent products, good customer service, and strong data privacy policies.

When customers feel like insiders, they're more likely to develop a strong affinity for your brand and become repeat buyers.

You can ask your customers psychographic survey questions or implement customer loyalty programs to boost their loyalty.

This way, you increase Shopify sales as they are more inclined to return for future purchases and advocate for your brand to others.

20. Provide Excellent Customer Support and Post-Purchase Follow-Up

To truly stand out, always respond promptly to inquiries or concerns. A quick reply shows you value their time and concerns.

Also, train your support team to be friendly and empathetic. Customers appreciate a helpful and understanding voice on the other end.

Additionally, you can offer multi-channel support, such as live chat, email, and phone support, to cater to diverse customer preferences.

A piechart showing customer communication channels as digital channels, phone and email

Above, you can see the communication channels customers prefer to use to resolve customer service issues in the United States in 2020.

Lastly, don't forget to gather customer feedback about their support experiences.

You can use a simple feedback popup to gather feedback effortlessly.

This information can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your support strategy continually.

Wrap Up

Now, are you ready to increase your Shopify sales?

By implementing these strategies, you'll not only attract more visitors to your Shopify store but also convert them into loyal customers.

Take the knowledge from this guide, adapt it to your Shopify business, and watch as your Shopify sales soar to new heights!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do Customers Leave without Making a Purchase?

Customers abandon their shopping carts and leave without making a purchase for various reasons.

These reasons include unexpected costs, complex checkout process, lack of trust, and slow loading times.

How do I Attract Customers to Shopify?

To attract customers to your Shopify store, you can;

  • Optimize your website for a great user experience.
  • Implement effective SEO strategies to rank higher in search results.
  • Utilize social media marketing to reach a broader audience.
  • Run targeted advertising campaigns to drive traffic.
  • Offer promotions, discounts, or incentives to entice potential customers.

How do I Make My Shopify Popular?

Making your Shopify store popular is all about creating a welcoming and engaging online presence.

You can start with simple steps like using the power of social media and staying active on social platforms, providing excellent customer support, and offering promotions regularly.

How Can I Use Social Media to Boost My Shopify Sales?

Engage with your audience by posting regularly, showcasing products, sharing customer testimonials, and running targeted ads.

Platforms like Instagram and Facebook offer shopping features that can be directly linked to your Shopify store for easy purchasing.

Is Email Marketing Effective for Increasing Shopify Sales?

Absolutely! Email marketing allows you to communicate with your customers directly. Use it to send newsletters, product updates, exclusive discounts, and personalized recommendations.

Automated email campaigns can also be set up for cart abandonment recovery and customer re-engagement.

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