· 13 min read

Shopify Abandoned Checkout Guide to Recover Lost Sales

Reducing abandoned checkouts has a big impact on growing your Shopify store. 

Learning the reasons behind abandoned checkouts in Shopify and ways to reduce them can help you reduce your checkout abandonment rate and boost your sales.

We prepared a Shopify abandoned checkout guide with three ways to fix them, common reasons, best practices, and tips. Let's explore them and start optimizing your strategies!

What is Shopify Abandoned Checkout & Why It is Important?

Shopify abandoned checkout is an online shopping scenario where a potential customer initials the checkout process for an order but drops out before completing the purchase. 

As a Shopify store owner, you might see several customers adding items to their carts. 

Still, if they go through the transaction and don't hit that "Place Order" button, you're dealing with an abandoned checkout situation.

An incomplete checkout is considered abandoned if it lasts more than 10 minutes after the customer enters their email address.

Checkout abandonment is a common issue in Shopify stores and e-commerce stores overall. 

Why Shopify Abandoned Checkout is Important?

miniature shopping cart on a laptop keyboard

But why Shopify checkout abandonment is important?

Let's break it down with some straightforward reasons:

  • Lost sales and future opportunities: Every abandoned checkout shows a lost sale and the potential for recurring business. It's about customers who could have returned for more and become loyal customers.
  • Insights into weaknesses: Abandoned checkouts act as a red flag, emphasizing possible shortcomings in your store. It can be your pricing, product range, site structure, or customer service. These abandonments tell a story about areas that need to be improved.
  • Cost-effective customer retention: Reducing checkout abandonment is not only about boosting sales but conserving resources, as you won't have to expend as much to attract new customers.
  • Improved return on investment (ROI): Unfinished checkouts can undermine your investment in crafting and promoting a user-friendly Shopify storefront. By reducing checkout abandonment, you'll optimize resource usage and greatly enhance the return on investment (ROI) from your efforts.

Shopify Abandoned Carts vs Shopify Abandoned Checkouts

an illustration of a virtual shopping cart filled with various products

Although they may seem similar, abandoned carts and checkouts have differences that are crucial to enhancing your Shopify strategy.

Shopify abandoned cart occurs when customers add items to their shopping cart but leave without completing a transaction. They haven't initiated the checkout process, and you'll likely lack any identifying information unless they're logged in.

Shopify abandoned checkout is narrower and happens later in the buying process. It relates to customers who have added products to their cart and initiated the checkout process but haven't finalized it. 

Since these customers enter some contact information, you can re-engage them with recovery tactics, like follow-up emails.

Addressing abandoned carts can help you enhance product appeal and price transparency. You can improve website design, navigation, and compelling CTAs. Also, create enticing product descriptions and provide limited-time offers with popups to reduce cart abandonment rate.

To overcome abandoned checkouts, you can simplify the checkout process, offer diverse payment methods, display security measures, and develop an effective checkout recovery email strategy.

Common Reasons for Shopify Abandoned Checkouts

a customer paying with a Shopify card

Let's see a few of the common causes of Shopify abandoned checkouts, which can help you overcome this issue. 

  • High shipping costs: One of the most common reasons behind abandoned checkouts is the sudden appearance of extra costs during checkout. Many customers react by abandoning their checkouts and looking for better deals elsewhere. Avoiding any unwanted surprises for customers by being upfront about all costs can go a long way toward fixing this issue.
  • Complicated checkout process: Extra forms, too many pages, or complicated navigation can irritate customers and make them abandon their checkouts. Therefore, keep your checkout process simple, fast, and intuitive. 
  • Lack of trust: Lack of trust signals like secure payment badges or transparent return policies can make customers nervous about purchasing from you and can lead them to abandon their carts. Therefore, displaying trust signals can help gain your customers' confidence and encourage them to complete their purchases.
  • Lack of payment options: Customers appreciate flexibility in payment methods. Limited options at checkout can deter purchases. A lack of digital wallets or alternative gateways can deter customers. Diverse payment options are crucial for conversion and reducing abandonment rates.

How to Fix Abandoned Checkout on Shopify?

Let's explore three different methods you can use to fix abandoned checkout on Shopify together.

Sending Checkout Abandonment Emails to Customers in Shopify Manually

Shopify lets you manually send a checkout abandonment email to remind customers of what they've left behind.

Let's see how you can do that step-by-step.

Step 1: Go to the 'Orders' section in your Shopify Admin panel. Click on 'Abandoned checkouts' from the list.

a screenshot of clicking the “abandoned checkouts” button from the “Orders” section on Shopify

Step 2: On the abandoned checkouts section, you will see various abandoned checkouts. From this section, choose the checkout number you want to recover.

a screenshot of getting checkout number from abandoned checkouts section on Shopify

Step 3: From the "customer" section, you can access the customer's details. Look for their email address within the provided information and click on it.

a screenshot of accessing customer details on the customer section on Shopify

Step 4: Now, you have the option to include a custom message. If desired, you can modify the template provided in the notifications section.

a screenshot of creating an email to contact a customer who abandoned checkout on Shopify

Step 5: Go to "Notifications" first and navigate to "Customer notifications" from the Settings part. Then, click on the "Customize email templates" to adjust your email template.

a screenshot of going to customer notifications and clicking customize email templates on Shopify

Step 6: Find the email template you want to customize. On the customization page, you can insert your brand logo and choose the appearance of buttons to align with your branding.

a screenshot of customizing abandoned checkout email template on customer notifications part of Shopify

💡Remember the importance of the email's content. Include a catchy subject line, a friendly reminder of the items they forgot, a link to complete the purchase, and maybe even a small discount to incentivize the completion of the purchase.

Once you finish customizing, before proceeding, ensure that you click "Save" to view a preview of the email below the customization options.

Step 7: Once you're satisfied with the email template and its preview, you can return to the previous screen to review the final version of the email.

a screenshot of clicking the send email button for manual checkout abandonment emails on Shopify

After you review your email, simply press the "Send Email" button to send the checkout abandonment email to the customer. 

Setting Up Abandoned Checkout Email Automation in Shopify

You can further optimize this process by setting up automated abandoned checkout recovery emails in Shopify. 

Shopify gives you the option to compose and automate these emails, offering you the opportunity to recover lost sales without the hassle of manual email sending.

Here's how you can set it up quickly:

Step 1: Go to your Shopify admin panel, navigate to the 'Marketing' section, and go to 'Automations.'

a screenshot of going to the marketing and automation section on Shopify

Step 2: From the "Automations" section, click on the "Create automation" button to initiate the setup process.

a screenshot of clicking create automation button on automations on Shopify

Step 3: Select the "Abandoned checkout" template from among various templates that suit your requirements.

a screenshot of selecting abandoned checkout template on automation on Shopify

Shopify provides a range of templates for different purposes. For this guide, we'll focus on the Abandoned checkout template.

Step 4: Once you select the desired template, a model will be displayed to show the template workflow you've chosen.

a screenshot of modal displaying abandoned checkout automation template on Shopify

Step 5: To activate the automation, you'll need to install the "Shopify Email App."

a screenshot of the first step of installing the Shopify email app
a screenshot of Shopify email app landing page on Shopify app store

Step 6: If you want to customize the email content or adjust the automation workflow to better align with your business needs, click the "Edit" button.

💡Tip: Keep in mind that effective emails often include a personal touch and a sense of urgency. So, customize your email accordingly!

Once you've made the necessary adjustments and are satisfied with the setup, activate your automation by clicking "Turn on automation" or "Turn on workflow."

a screenshot of editing automated checkout abandonment email on Shopify

Step 7: You will see a summary page displaying your automation. Proceed by clicking "Continue" to finalize the setup process.

a screenshot of clicking turn on automation button on Shopify

Using Abandoned Checkout Shopify Apps for Automated Emails 

Another solution to fix abandoned checkouts is using abandoned checkout Shopify apps! 

For this guide, we will explain how you can create an automated email campaign for checkout abandonment using Popupsmart. 

By using Popupsmart's Shopify-based trigger called "Checkout abandonment," you can recover those who leave at checkout.

Here is your step-by-step guide to sending automated checkout abandonment emails with Popupsmart:

Step 1: ​​First, install Popupsmart's Shopify app on your Shopify admin panel. 

a screenshot of the first step of installing the Popupsmart app on Shopify
a screenshot of the second step of installing Popupsmart app on Shopify

Log in to your account or create a new account, and finish installing the Popupsmart app to your Shopify store.

Step 2: Go to "Email Automation" first, and click on the "Create email automation" button.

a screenshot of going to email automations and creating an email automation on Popupsmart

Step 3: Under Shopify-based triggers, navigate to "Checkout abandonment" and click on the "Create" button.

a screenshot of selecting checkout abandonment under Shopify-based triggers on Popupsmart

Give a name to your email automation, choose your website, and continue.

Step 4: You can adjust your delay time from the "Edit Delay" part.

a screenshot of adjusting delay time of email automation on Popupsmart

🚨 Important: Keep in mind that you cannot add a delay time below 45 minutes for checkout abandonment. 

Step 5: Once you adjusted your delay time, you can edit your email by clicking on the "Edit Email" button.

a screenshot of clicking the “edit email” button to customize email automation on Popupsmart

From the "General" section, you can adjust your checkout abandonment email's subject line, sender name, and reply-to email address.

Also, you can send test emails to see how your email automation looks. 

Step 6: You can customize your email template by going to the "Content" part or clicking the "Next to Edit Content" button. 

a screenshot of customizing email automation content on Popupsmart

You can change the email template from the "Change Email Template" part and adjust its general style by changing the font, email background, and body background from the "General Style" part.

You can customize the header, image headline, and text sections by clicking on each element.

Also, you can adjust your button coupon code to make them more engaging and attractive.

You can add your social links from the "Social" part and include your collections from the "Product Cards."

Finally, you can adjust your footer section to make it suitable for your needs. 

Step 7: Once you finish customizing your checkout abandonment email automation, click "Enable Email Automation."

a screenshot of clicking the enable email automation button on Popupsmart

Then, you'll see a modal that says "Successfully enabled." If you want to disable it, you can click the "Disable Email Automation" button. 

a screenshot of successfully enabled modal and disable email automation sections on Popupsmart

Step 8: You can see the details of your email automation on the "Email Automation" page.

a screenshot of email automation campaign analytics on email automation page on Popupsmart

Details in this section include sent, delivered, click, and opened numbers of an automation campaign. You can also toggle your automation campaign on or off. 

Also, by going to the "Analytics" page, you can get a detailed view of your email automation campaigns and their performance.

a screenshot of email automation analytics page on Popupsmart

That's all! Now, you can create your own email automation campaign to send checkout abandonment emails on Shopify! 

Explore more of Popupsmart's conversion-ready solutions for Shopify stores.

Best Practices & Tips for Recovering Abandoned Checkouts in Shopify

an illustration of a laptop screen with abandoned checkout in an e-commerce setting

Though we explained three different methods to fix abandoned checkouts above, you can also pay attention to some of the best practices to prevent or fix abandoned checkouts.

Let's take a look at the best practices and tips you can apply to recover abandoned checkouts of your Shopify store.

  • Personalize your follow-up emails: Make your customers feel cared for by addressing them by their name. It also creates a sense of familiarity and trust.
  • Create urgency in your abandoned checkout emails: Include phrases that create a sense of limited time or scarcity. You can add sentences like "Only two items left!" or "Sale ends in 3 hours" to boost FOMO and increase the sense of urgency.
  • Offer help: Ask if your customers encountered any problems during checkout and offer assistance. Sending a friendly email that offers help can be useful in recovering those who encountered problems.
  • Offer incentives or free shipping: A small discount or free shipping can entice customers to finalize their purchase.
  • Make your checkout process simple: Avoid unnecessary form fields and offer clear navigations on your checkout page. The goal should be to optimize your Shopify checkout journey as quickly and effortlessly as possible for your audience. 
  • Optimize payment options: Flexibility in payment options can be a game-changer. Offer multiple payment gateways to reach a broader consumer base. Consider popular options like credit/debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.
  • Build trust and credibility: Increase the trust factor by displaying trust badges, SSL certificates, and customer testimonials prominently. 
  • Display clear shipping and return policies: Ensure you have transparent and easy-to-find policies for shipping and return. By displaying your policies related to shipping and return, your customers will quickly find answers to their questions rather than leaving at checkout wondering about these.

📌 You can also explore our blog post "Abandoned Cart Recovery: 13 Strategies to Win Back Customers" to recover abandoned carts.

Wrap Up

Overcoming abandoned checkouts in Shopify may seem like a struggle, but you can accomplish it by following the steps in this guide.

We explained three different methods you can use, along with best practices and tips so that you can apply suitable strategies to your Shopify store.

By considering these and considering your target audience, you can quickly create your strategy for Shopify checkout abandonment and start recovering your lost sales!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do People Abandon Checkout on Shopify?

People abandon checkouts on Shopify due to various reasons. Some common reasons are unexpected or high shipping costs, complicated checkout processes, and lack of trust signals such as secure payment badges or clear return policies.

What is An Abandoned Checkout Scheduled on Shopify?

An 'abandoned checkout scheduled' on Shopify refers to an automated email that Shopify sends out to customers who add items to their cart but leave without completing the purchase at the checkout. 

Shopify starts tracking a checkout after the customer's information (including email, billing address, etc.) is entered, and the checkout session times out after a specific period of inactivity. 

If the purchase is still incomplete, Shopify recognizes it as an abandoned checkout and schedules an email to the customer.

What Shopify Apps Can Help Reduce Abandoned Checkouts?

Popupsmart, qikify Checkout Customizer, Persistent Cart App, and FaviCart Abandonment Protector are some of the popular Shopify apps that can help you reduce checkout abandonment.

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