What is a Presell Page?
A presell page is a type of page that aims to persuade the customers mentally and physically for the sales page.
Customers see the presell page and have an idea about the product, offer, or service before they buy them.
A presell page can be a homepage, landing page, a campaign page, or any page that belongs to a particular website that only conditions the visitors for the things they will purchase.
For more information about the presell page, we recommend you to read our FAQ part first. Then, take a deep look at the 15 presell page examples to get inspiration.
Or, if you are not patient enough, you should see the examples right below.
The 15 Presell Page Examples to Inspire You
Here are the different presell page examples from various companies and varied markets.
1. Rare Beauty
Rare Beauty is a cosmetic brand founded by Selena Gomez with the aim of vegan maquillage, cruelty-free production, and contribution to mental health services.

Rare Beauty's homepage is its presell page as well. Since the aim is to prepare for selling, the page starts with a video of people using RB products.
The page displays the best sellers' products with their prices to give clues and the variety. As for sharing the story, it positively impacts the buyers because it makes people feel identifiable with the brand.
The other customers using the product are shown as a panorama on the page with their social media accounts to believe they are real, and the 'Shop by Category' part divides to make it clear.
The hitting point of Rare Beauty is that it shares the contribution it makes to the mental health services at the end, and though it does not give all the details, it is enough to know that the income is shared with an institution that deals with people in need of healing help.
2. Macy's
Macy's has been a brand dealing with fashion clothing and accessories for high-end people since 1858.

Macy's presell page for women's clothing gives the category of clothes on the left side, and the center of the page is composed of the products it sells. The figure that attracts attention wears Macy's, which is critical to affecting the CTA explanations near her.
Moving on, the page gives tips for trends to the customers with blogs. They are followed by another CTA because they are enough to have an idea and lead to buy or discover more.

Macy's also provides a place for other famous brands, and it offers to style for specific occasions. The page ends with a detailed description of the importance of women's clothing for the brand and how they work.
3. Zara
Zara is another famous clothing brand to address the whole world with affordable prices and high-quality products.

Zara's homepage and presell page are the same. However, these are potent because Zara has created an interactive atmosphere that you would want to click to the related part.
The presell page gives the photos of the categories, and since the photos are explanatory enough, the visitors who see the page want to continue to have a look.
Also, Zara announces the sale available online and in stores on the landing page with a video, and people wearing the brand act in the clip.

Sometimes the lack of descriptions and explanations but powerful visualization can help catch the customers' attention. At the end of the page, there is a signup newsletter part to help the subscribers get informed about the campaigns.
4. Tu Clothing/ J Sainsbury
The UK clothing brand Tu Clothing addresses the customers directly by saying "you."

Tu clothing's landing page gives the same necessary information as a presell page. At first glance, the visitors can see the sale, as seen from the image. There are categories just under it.
It is possible to say that Tu clothing presents variability and advice, which you can see from the later part of the page divided into the summer, kids, school, and other events.
Tu Clothing does not hesitate to share why you should prefer them with a long description, and the description embodies all the target audience and their effort to shape their styling.

5. Apple
The leading technological company, Apple, gives importance to home services as much as other personal technological devices.

The presell page of Apple TV & Home is full of informative and eye-catching images. The font and the size used are exclusive to the brand, and it is critical to use them to customize the brand.
Some devices of Apple specifically designed for houses are displayed to give the customers an idea about the rest.
Following, the instructions are given on how to use them with the 'Home' button of Apple. Finally, other accessories are located to lead the customers to the sales page.
Then, the video of a TV that belongs to the Apple brand shows the additional features you can benefit from.
6. Zapier
Zapier is an automation and integration tool you can use in your business. Though Zapier has many alternatives, it is always one step further.

The explore page as the presell page shows all the services to use within the scope of Zapier, and by sharing the brands that work with Zapier, it proves the trustability.
The videos also work as influential factors for the customers because they share the customers' stories as social proof.

By adding more, Zapier presents apps to get started directly, and it calls to action with the premade integrations. The latest attempt to use Zapier is the section to go with Google or create another account.
7. Vegan Essentials
Vegan Essentials is an awarded brand with various products, affordable prices, and high-quality service.

One of the presell pages of Vegan Essentials is its homepage. Since Vegan Essentials is a comprehensive brand that addresses a core audience, the customization of products is important.
As both the homepage and the presell page, VE starts by proving its success in vegan marketing. Then, the top categories which the customers prefer are shared to offer alternatives.

The Best Sellers part on the page is valuable because it shows the common taste of customers and the brand's attention to the customers. The favorite brands are another factor in strengthening the trust. Vegan Essentials also includes the additional information part with the social media accounts at the end.
8. Allbranded
Allbranded sells promotional and personalized products.

The presell page of Allbranded is the promotional drinkware page which gives a different type of preselling page because it mostly focuses on the Allbranded products.
Apparently, Allbranded gives place to descriptions about the drinkware products; however, it highlights the products and aims to lead the customers to buy the products by giving more detailed information.
Since the brand regards personalization due to its principles, the page summarizes what they do and care about.
9. British Airways
The only airline company on the list is British Airways which has served from 1974 until today.

Presenting the flight arrangements at the opening of the page is attractive to customers. Besides, it gives the reasons for choosing British Airways.
The other captivating parts are the offerings of international and national places from Britain. Again, the BA shares the special pages to sell the tickets exclusive to places.
For accommodation, BA helps you by presenting the hotel alternatives and places to tour. Full of prices and places that BA shares have much potential to help travelers.
It is an efficient page for preselling because it gives the opportunity to act immediately and discover the details about the flight opportunities.
10. Abercrombie Kids
The brand deals with casual wearing and has had other sub-brands since 1892. Also, Abercrombie has had a famous branding since then.

To focus on the presell page of Abercrombie Kids, it is important to emphasize the page is full of kid energy because it is simple yet energetic.
The first part has an interactive image of kids, and the brand puts the "age is not a size" motto forward with the CTA buttons to shop for girls and boys.
Elaborating the brand with campaigns designed for the summer, playground, and a collective atmosphere is a good act to profit from a presell page.
11. Argos
Argos is a far-reaching retail company belonging to Sainsbury's, and it is possible to find from technological products to homes and furniture.

The page created by Argos for the Christmas season is one of the most effective pages ever because it gives decorations and gift ideas, which are the most related themes to the Christmas concept.
It also divides the gifts based on prices to make things easier for the customers to continue. Decorations ideas are elevated on the presell page, and the advantages of choosing Argos are given with the 'Why?" part.
The reason why Argos presell page is effective is mostly because it presents an abundance of content and information for the customers.
12. Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corp.
Both as a doughnut and coffee chain company, Krispy Kreme reaches millions with its name and tastes.

Krispy Kreme's presell page is the most crowded presell page ever. The visitors can find many options to choose from, and they will be directed to a different sales page whenever they click.
As a clever strategy, the page forces the visitors mentally to follow the page what is more. Also, the social media accounts are shared "for smiles" as another promotion marketing sample.
The CTA button is used for a sweet surprise on Krispy Kreme's page, and the opportunity is presented for the customers to earn and eat more. Through the page, there are categories on the left part to click to discover products and buy.
13. Habitat
Habitat is a company selling furniture for homes, offices, decorating, and accessories.

The Office page of Habitat is one of the best presell page examples because it presents what it needs.
Firstly, the introduction and the products' categories catch the minds. Then, the products themselves are shown with their prices, and the CTA button is for examining more by adding them to the bag.
The tips and ideas are ready for you if you are a customer on the page. The most effective plus is the customer reviews because Habitat shows you that the brand does not praise itself by itself, yet the customers are also satisfied with the products.
Some little tips for pricing and other furniture care are followed by the furniture of the other rooms in order not to lose the customers.
14. Nectar Sleep
Nectar Sleep is a mattress and bed company that deals with the customers' rest.

The Compare Pillows page of Nectar Sleep is the presell page that both compare the products and gives detailed information about them.
The page is full of inclusive images and introduces the best pillows. It is to make the customers think that the ones who can talk about the best pillows can be the ones who make the best pillows.
The CTA buttons are located wisely under the pillow types, sleeping types, and premier products. Also, the use of FAQ responds to most of the questions of the customers before selling.
P.S.: You don't need to worry if you have any questions about the products because they position the help section right under the whole page :)
15. Popupsmart
Popupsmart is a no-code popup builder that offers an easy and fast way of interacting with your customers by creating popups.

The presell page of Popupsmart is its homepage as well. However, as a presell page, it gives all the necessities even on above-the-fold. In addition, it has a person that uses the product, a call-to-action explanation, and a button. In addition to these, the brands working are available at first sight.
Later on the page, the visitors can see how it works, and it gives a preview of the popup creation process with a time-adjusted image. The integrations and the recipes for increasing the sales are clues to the visitors.
Also, the user reviews reflect how Popupsmart works with the FAQs to enlighten the customers and the chat tool to answer their questions in mind.
How Should a Presell Page Be?
There are some points that we suggest you consider while creating a presell page:
- It should support call-to-action because the presell page directs the customer to the sale.
- It should be persuasive to take a look at the product.
- It should make the visitors curious and want more to see and examine.
- It should have a powerful design, and the visualization must impress.
- The company should introduce, but it is an extra point if it is objective.
- Analytics and user reviews are effective, so using social proof is approved.
- Suaveness and assertiveness affect the customers; you can edit your tone accordingly.
How Should You Write on a Presell Page?
You should use a direct tone on the presell page. The CTA and triggering words should be used so that the customers could feel more comfortable and confident in wanting to see the product's sales page. In addition, the tone should alert the customer and make them think that your product is the USP.
What Should You Do Before Creating a Presell Page?
You should decide the specific concept based on your business, and these must be related. Also, you should be careful about what your customers' expectations are and whether you live up to them or not. You can choose your main point while preparing your presell page like you can present a video, interactive animation, story, advice, testimonials, and so on.
Who Can Use a Presell Page?
As we have mentioned, if you have a business to sell or affect, it is enough to have a presell page. Your business can be about clothing, gear, house, office, food, beverage, cosmetics, or automobiles. Plus, you might want to create an impact with your B2B business or SaaS. The important thing here is that the introduction you make should be supported by the presell page compelling enough.
Why Should You Have a Presell Page?
Because it can help you develop more income, creating a good presell page will support you to have more visitors. Besides, if it is satisfying and informative like the visitors want, they will become your potential customers after clicking the necessary buttons on your sales page. Of course, it is not certain that they will buy, but you will increase the possibility of selling your products.
What Are the Types of Presell Pages?To talk about the types of presell pages, one of them may be for collecting leads. It is not necessary that all presell pages have to sell; some may help you reach more customers in the future as well. Or, their common aim is to point out the product like giving all the related topics about the product you want to distinguish. And the most well-known presell pages are for selling the products with buttons, in other words, clicks.
When Can You Use a Presell Page?
Whenever you wish, however, to specifically give an example, you may experience some times that you need to have the presell pages. For instance, if there is a special day coming, like Christmas, Black Friday, or Halloween, you can create a presell page for your campaigns. Another example is that you may want to remind your previous service or announce a brand new product with a presell page. Or, it can be the end of a season, and you may release the seasonal campaign to your visitors.
Is the Presell Page Same As the Landing Page?
Not always. The presell page can be the landing page as well, but not every landing page is a presell page. The main idea behind the presell page is that it should foretell the necessary information and proofs. Therefore, if a brand wants to be heard with a certain campaign, the brand can add extra details on the landing page to promote the campaign.
Is the Presell Page Same As the Sales Page?
No. As the name suggests, the presell page should appear before the sales page. You can think as the presell page prepares the ground for the sales page by giving information, examples, animations, social proofs, and many more. Yet, you should not confuse the products and their prices on the presell page with the elements of the sales page because they are only given as examples of a wide range of products.
The Conclusion
All in all, the importance of presell pages cannot be denied for the selling process, and it is recommended that you should also consider having an effective presell page.
We hope that the tips we have shared can help you through creating a successful presell page, and you can make your customers ready for your product.
Remember that you also do not buy anything if the covers of the products do not satisfy you enough.
Thank you for reading, and don't forget to share your comments below!
Next to Reading
After learning more about the presell process, it is time to focus on the selling part. Enjoy reading!
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