· 10 min read

Popup Video: How To Add One To Your Website (No Coding)

Have you ever visited a website and then a video popup appeared? It catches the eye, right?

Website owners and e-commerce marketers commonly use video popups on their websites for various reasons, such as:

In this article, I will walk through video pop ups and how to create a smart popup video without any coding. Let’s take it from the beginning.

The Importance Of Video Marketing

People love videos. They are easier to digest as content, and also they can be highly persuasive.

According to Wyzowl’s statistics, 87% of video marketers claim that video has increased traffic to their website, while 80% of video marketers states that video has directly helped them to increase sales.

These statistics prove how crucial using videos in marketing is. So, what is the lesson you need to take from this? You SHOULD use videos as a part of your marketing strategy to step up your game.

Video is an engaging content format, and it is easily shareable across multiple platforms.

Videos make it more accessible, contributing to the potential higher return on investment (ROI) as a result.

More Stats That Prove Video Marketing Works

Video marketing, people illustration

97% of marketers state that videos help customers understand products. (Hubspot)

Nowadays, consumers are no longer relying on one source to find the best product. They do quick internet research and compare various brands before buying anything.

Many successful business owners understand this and offer a quicker way to gain the customer’s trust and persuade them to make a purchase.

Video is an excellent marketing tool for this end. You can show your products up close and in detail in videos and make this display more aesthetically effective than plain product images.

90% of consumers say that a video helps them make a purchasing decision. (Social Media Today)

Popup video or video marketing efficiently increases conversions. Why?

  • Because consumers get a chance to see a product in action or use via an explanatory video. This, as a result, convinces them to buy the product.
  • Another reason why video marketing increases conversions for websites is that they boost website engagement.
  • Video content like video pop ups makes people stay on your website longer. This is quite effective, especially for those who are not into reading.

What Is A Popup Video?

Popup video on a website

Yes, video marketing is significant for any marketer to improve ROI and conversion rates, but what does video marketing have to do with video popup?

  • We can define a video popup as a video that suddenly pops up as a window on a website.
  • Popup video can start playing without requiring the visitor to interact or with interaction.
Video popup on a website

To create video popups, the videos need to be uploaded to any video platform first. You may ask, “what is the difference between sharing videos on other platforms and showing as video popups on my website?”

  • The thing is, you may have created the most engaging video content for your business, but without making people actually watch it, your perfect video content won’t work.
  • Popup video pops up and draws attention, which gives you a chance of turning your visitors into customers.

How To Create An Attractive Popup Video (No Coding Needed)

So far, we have touched upon video marketing and what popup video is. Now, it’s time to show you how to create and add a YouTube video popup to a website.

It takes just approximately 5 minutes to create a popup video with Popupsmart, no coding or payment required to create your first popup.

Step 1. Create Your Campaign

Popupsmart popup builder service dashboard

Log in to your Popupsmart dashboard and click on Create A New Popup. Choose your business objective. You can change it later.

Click on the dropdown menu on step 1 and select Show Up Announcement. Select the video popup template.

Scroll down on step 1 to select your popup type, lightbox, full-screen, or sidebar popups, and adjust its on-screen position.

Step 2. Get The ID of Your Video

YouTube video ID for popup video

Once you complete step 1, go on to step 2 on the popup builder where you will customize your popup video.

Click on Edit General Appearance to customize the closing button, popup opening animation effect, and button color.

Click on "Video" and leave your Popupsmart popup builder open and go to the URL of your video in another browser tab.

You will need to copy the ID of your YouTube video which is included in the page URL.

For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[video-id]

This is how the URL will look. Copy the part after the "=" sign.

Step 3. Paste The Video ID to Your Campaign

Popupsmart popup builder

Upon copying the video ID, go back to Popupsmart popup builder. Paste the ID into the box under Video Id.

If you want your pop up video to play automatically, then you can turn the Autoplay button on.

Turn on the Show Controllers button if you want to display controllers.

Skip the Teaser step if you do not want to show a teaser popup which would require visitors to click on it to open your video pop ups.

Step 4. Set Display and Targeting Rules for Your Video Popup

Popupsmart targeting rules and triggers

Proceed to Step 4 (Target) to set up the display and targeting rules for your popup video. On this step, you will want to specify which visitors will see your popup and when will they do it.

You can schedule your campaign, target your audience with various advanced targeting rules and visitor behavior triggers.

  • For best practices, first you can start by setting up “After X Seconds” targeting which you can access in Visitor Behavior.

This targeting asks you to define after how many seconds after visitors have been on your website you want them to see your popup.

Popupsmart popup builder, exit intent trigger
  • Another best practice of popup targeting is using the exit intent trigger. Click on Visitor Behavior and On Exit Intent to set up this rule.

Exit intent trigger detects when a visitor attempts to leave your website and display the popup to win him back and increase engagement.

  • You can play around with other display and targeting rules to find the best combination for your video popup.

Step 5. Save & Publish Your Popup

Popupsmart popup builder, video popup

If you want to set your campaign live then you need to Save & Publish your popup. If you don't want to publish it yet, you can click on the “Save” button instead.

You can track your campaigns and see if they are published or not from your Popupsmart dashboard.

How to Open YouTube Video in Popup Window HTML

If you want to open a YouTube video in popup window using HTML, then all you need to do is copy your Popupsmart embed code to the HTML of your website.

Copy Popupsmart embed code, go to your website’s template file and paste the code just before the closing


So if you are asking “how do I add a pop up video to my website?” that’s it. You can start using Popupsmart now for free to add a pop up video to your website.

How Do I Pop up a Video in WordPress?

Popupsmart can integrate with a wide range of platforms, including WordPress. Create your popup video following the steps above.

Then, copy and paste the Popupsmart embed code, as I mentioned earlier, to your WordPress website’s template file, just before the closing of the body tags.

Click here to learn How to Create Popups in WordPress without Plugins .

Wrapping Up

Announcement flat illustration

It is obvious that more and more consumers are turning towards video content. As a website owner, you should keep up with the demand to increase your conversion rates.

You can easily create video pop ups with Popupsmart by following the steps I gave above. If you have any questions or opinions, you can share with me in the comments.

Thanks for your time.